Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tuesday - church and boat

We've been soaking up beautiful, peaceful Delft, walking past things like the old church and  the new church - and today we decided to see the inside of them.  First we decided to have breakfast out.  Our destination? A bagel store on the main market square.  We walked over there in the stillness of the morning, with the sun not yet poking its head over the buildings that line the market.  We were all ready for a bagel.  Something different than breakfast here in the house.

As we approached it sure looked closed.  And it was.  We were to early!  Sort of funny.  We thought of other places, but every place we walked to opened at 10:00.  I guess we aren't the only people who usually eat breakfast at home.  We ended up at a bakery (where else?) and we each picked something out and we sat outside on a bench to eat.

Then we went to the old church.  You should google old church delft to see a picture.  It is a leaning tower of Pisa.  It is goofy to look at since it leans so much.  But the inside is grand, as we found out by ducking into a side door, paying our 3.50 euro, and walking inside.  It was emmence.  Sure, once you've seen a European church you kind of know what to expect, and this one was no different.  Soaring ceiling,  a nave that goes on forever, and stained glass windows that can make your neck ache from looking up so long at them.  The best part was that we had the whole place to ourselves.   The four of us walked back into time in the hulking interior, that echoed with our footsteps.

I was so proud of Sara.  In the last church we went into I asked her to only whisper, to be respectfully quiet.  And she remembered with out masking her again!  Dan had julia in the bjorn carrier and I had Sara by the hand.  We stayed a long time. Probably an hour, just looking at the graves (many people were buried in the church if they could afford it)  one of the graves was Vermeer the painter and another was the inventor of the microscope.  Sara liked looking at the church map hand out and finding the different places.  Her favorite stained glass window that she found herself was Jesus blesses the children.  I also liked the beginning of time that showed the stars in the heavens.  Sara took a tumble once, but didn't  call out or cry, she kept quiet.  What a good girl.

After that we stepped back outside.  We decided to take a boat ride.  But we had lunch first.  We ate at the best sandwich place in town, and sat outside.  The  boat ride was at 1:00.  Lovely.  It was great to glide along the canals, including right past our house!  We learned a lot, like the butter bridge where they stored the butt under it as primitive refrigeration.  Our boat also went under a lot of the little arching foot bridges.  So cool!  We had front row seats on the boat.  Julia slept and Sara  m

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