Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tues continued

Sara mostly sat, but did a fair amount of wiggling.  When the guide talked in Dutch she tuned out, and I can't blame her.  The canals on the boat ride were covered with moss growing on the side.  The canals have mallard ducks and a few swans.  The guide said that they pull 200 bikes out of the canal each year.  And back in the olden days if a criminal was caught they would just tie a rock around their feet and make them jump from one certain bridge.  We went under that bridge and I felt bad for them.

After that we went to a bike shop (Sara's request), and then started telecommuting.

I went right out with Sara and Julia on my own.  I had read that the children's room at the delft library was awesome, and I thought it would be fun to stroll there.  We found it, in the middle of the hustle bustle scene with locals walking every which way, walking into the library was peaceful.  We rode up the elevator and my goodness, the children's part was enormous and awesome!  It had a long row of computers, an imagination room (with things to ride and a puppet studio and dress up clothes), it had a car play area, and a kitchen play area.  Sara relished the play and learning time -I just let her run from thing to thing doing as she wished.  I got to spend some time with Julia since Sara was occupied playing both by herself and playing with the other kids.  No language barrier there!

After that we walked back here, had dinner (salmon from the fish market, I just pan fried it and it was great because it was so fresh), and both kids were in bed around 7:00.

Dan said I should go out for a walk so I did.  It was a delight.  The streets are well lit and the lights reflect in the canals making it magical.  I walked over to the beast market, and wow, what a scene.  There was a flickering candle on each outdoor table and it was full of happy people.  As I walked around the square, it was like surround sound, hearing people laughing and having a good time from all sides.  What a great sight it was.  I heard the bells ringing as I walked back, a sweet little tune to accompany my steps.

Back here went right to sleep.  Dan finished working at 2 am and I fed Julia then.  Full day!

Good night. ;)

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