Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tuesday AM

First Blog

Good morning from Brugge Belgium.  I'm up with Sara (but actually downstairs with her), Dan and Julia are still sleeping (upstairs).  We left the US on Saturday, and last night was our second night's sleep.  Still getting adjusted to the time difference.

First goal of the day?  Gave Sara a bath.  She loved swimming in the tub.  She had to have some "bath toys" so I gave her three little "Hello Kitty" toys, that looked waterproof.   Then I get her dressed in a shirt that says, "I Love Papa."  As she pulled the shirt over her head she asked, "did we buy this at Old Navy?"  -- Yes we did.  Good memory Sara!

Second goal?  Breakfast.  I decided to make rasin bread toast in our kitchen.  Thus, I pulled out the electric toaster, noticing it was made in West Germany.  It is sturdy.  I put in some rasin bread and hoped for the best.  Great.  It turned the bread brown and didn't burn the house down.  Good thing, as this house has probably been here since the middle ages (literally).

I hear Julia upstairs, I'm going to go get her.

Signing off.

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