Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday in Bruges - to finish up the day

It takes a while to get Sara down for her nap.  And then, the room is bright as day so she just goofs around in her room.  And here, we aren't using the baby monitors so all I do is look in her door's skeleton key hole to see what she is up to.  She is always quiet, to make us think she is sleeping.  But she reads, plays, and explores her room.  Oh well.

Dinner was here.  I bought some meat that looked like hamburger and was labeled american.  I took that to mean that it was ground beef.  We also had huge salads and pasta.  Cooking In our kitchen is freeing to not be dependent on dining out all the time.

After dinner we went for a walk.  I guess we are always strolling.  It is sightseeing but with out an agenda.  We picked up some stuff from the market, and looped around a different path leading us past some water front cafe and restaurants.  We got some strange looks, surely our double wide two kid stroller is big to most people.  But we also look local, as we get asked for directions all the time! People must at least think we know what we are doing.  And we are getting to know this place.

Sara fell alseep in the stroller after dinner on our walk.  It is 9:13 pm and we are letting her sleep.  She is comfy in her seat, and when she stirs Dan will take her upstairs.

Tomorrow is Saturday.  Cool! The whole day to play since Dan will not be telecommuting.  Gotta run.  Bye.  Lori

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