Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Monday - Wow, what a day

So we woke up in Namur.  Sara said, "Mama, Papa, I'm awake I'm ready" about 5 times before we woke up enough to go into her room (down 4 stairs from our room, but in the same suite).  Sara woke Julia up, so we all got ready to start the day.

Sara gets out of her PJs and into her clothes all by her self.  This AM, she was a bit of a goof towards Papa, and I said, "you should thank Papa for feeding and clothing you."  And Dan said, "yeah, you say that when she is naked and hungry" which she was - since she was still getting dressed and we hadn't had breakfast yet.  It was funny.

We went up, down, around, up, down, around, snaking our way through the interior of the hotel to the breakfast room.  It cost 10Euro / person extra.  We found a table (there was only one other group there),   put Julia in the bouncy seat next to us, and ate and ate and ate.  This is the first place where we could get our own coffee (instead of a server bringing it to us cup by cup) so we each had a dozen cups of coffee.  Even me.  And I don't usually drink caffine.  We also had yogurt, ham, cheese, juice, breads, and the usual stuff.  Actually, I vowed to have a cheese free day - (I'm so sick of cheese!) so I didn't have any cheese.  That is saying something, as everything has cheese or is served with cheese here.  It is nice cheese, made locally, but man, how much cheese can one person eat?  I'm at my limit.

--To be continued -

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