Tuesday, October 2, 2012

It is tue evening now

Our morning walk lasted all the way until 2:00 when we got back here to our house so Dan could telecommute.  The walk was outstanding.  We didn't have any agenda, we just strolled where our feet took us.  Past churches with leafy courtyards.  Past chocolate shops.  Past cafe filled squares where happy people soak up the sun and some coffee,

One favorite spot was along one of the moisying canals.  The sidewalk gave way to a small tree lined park setting with benches, strolling lovebirds, a man selling Belgium waffles, and us.  The city seemed to breathe there.  Or really,to whisper.

Boats give rides on the canals.  Swans show up every now and then.  We took the boat ride when were here years ago.  We will do it this time with our kids. Sara will ask a million questions and Julia will smile.

Around every bend in the winding road I take a mental picture.  Each building has so many details.  Things like special brick work, a step gabel roof, or even just the way each building seems to lean a little.  Things shift over 500 years I suppose.

Lunch was at a little place with maybe 15 tables.  Had pizza and gnocchi.  The was one man who was the waiter for everyone and that was seamless.  Food was made fresh, we could see the wood fired oven, and our food went in it.

After lunch we strolled through astrid park, and found a playground for Sara. She lit up and played with delight.

Back for nap time.

At 6:00 we went to market square for French fries, they make them a work of art, with a choice of sauce.  No one picks ketchup.  We has curry.  Sara said, "very delicious".  More strolling lead us to a treat store, where Sara picked up her own shopping basket and navigated around the store in raptures.  She scored three free samples.   About 20$ later we left with bag in hand.  That kid can shop .

Julia is seriously a joy.  All it takes is eye contact and she blossoms into a smile.  She sleeps great on our walks, and has had bannana, apple, oatmeal, and prunes.  We can't find prune baby food here. Perhaps the Belgians are smart.

It is 11:14 pm gotta sleep.  Good night.

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