Saturday, October 13, 2012

Saturday - in Luxembourg

We woke up this AM at our normal time, about 8:38.  I had been up probably 5 times with Julia, so I craved a bit of sleep.  But that wasn't in the cards.  We all went down to the included, 28 Euro breakfast.  (That is per person.)  It was a marvelous spread, with more stuff than I can even remember: yogurt, muscli, smoked salmon (with capers, onion, pickels), 2 kinds of ham, 2 kinds of cheese, 10 kinds of fresh bakery items, juices, Champane, bacon (our first of the trip!), hot beans, eggs, whole eggs in the shell, and hot food like pancakes and waffels.

We were by far the youngest people there.  And the only family.  Every one else had hair the color of fresh snow, and designer sunglasses, and fancy clothes.  We had a nice table in the corner (ha ha) but that worked since we put Julia in the bouncy seat so she could relax while we ate, and ate, and ate.

After a leisurely we left the hotel (the Hotel Royal) and headed out to explore.  We immediatly found the Saturday market in the market place, filled with stuff my Dad would call clap trap, but most people would call a flea market.  In the next market (we found two) there were fresh flowers (a huge square of them, like as big as a house), fresh food, etc.  I bought a sun flower for 1.75 Euro.  The man wrapped it up for me in paper, and we carried it around.  I think it made is look like locals, perhaps a tiny bit.

We did a walking tour suggested by the tourist office (a pamphlet with a map and descriptions) and it was wonderful.  It was self guided.  ---

To be continued....

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