Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sunday - storm in US

First thing this AM we discovered our Monday flight was canceled.  After some phone time we were re-booked for Thursday.  Not sure if that will be our final plan or not. We'll see.

What was suppose to be our last day is now not our last day here.  Instead of an early trip to the train station on Monday (tomorrow) we will have a relaxed day.  I guess that is when the storm is supposed to hit. Our lovely neighbor at home is taking care of our house.  It is crazy to be way over here when stuff like this happens.

We had a great day here in Antwerp.  It is a great place, with magnificent buildings, loads of people (and I mean loads!), restaurants, french fry shops (yes there are shops that only sell french fries - practically one on every corner like Starbucks are in the US), and fountains, etc.  We like it here.

Today we found the brik-or-brac market.  Everything under the sun.  Olives, birds, clothes, material, shoes, like everything. You name it, you could buy it.  After strolling the market we got some lunch.  First we sat outside, then moved inside to be a bit warmer.  The lunch took a long time.  That was okay, it tasted good and gave us a chance to chill out.

After that we walked around, ending up down by the river side.  It was pretty.  Especially at sunset.  We ended up going inside this castle and finding a cafe, that had a kids play area.  It included blocks for kids to build with and a sailboat that they could climb in - all in a corner of a large cafe.  We sat down and relaxed while Sara had the best time playing - both by herself and with other kids.  Julia was all smiles.  She is just full of joy.

For dinner we found an amazing place.  We just stumbled into it.  They cook the food on a grill you can see, and Dan had a huge bunch of meat and I had some fish that was spectacular.  It was a full fish, minus the scales, but I could eat one side, then flip it over and eat the other side, leaving the bones in the middle.  It was neat!  I had Julia on my lap for the whole meal and Dan had Sara on his lap for the whole meal.  Not to relaxing, but a necessity.  With day light savings time, we were eating dinner and hour later than normal - which meant it was near bedtime.  Julia really likes being in bed at 7PM, so we were late getting her to bed.  But it was okay, when we got back to the room she went to sleep easily.

In sitting in the hall of the hotel writing this due to the spotty internet access.

I hope the storm in the US is okay.  If you read this feel free to give me a report!

:) Love, Lori

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