Monday, October 15, 2012

Saturday - the remainder of the day

So, the walking tour suggested by the tourist office was a lot of fun.  It was a self-guided walking tour, which lead us all around Luxembourg city.  We walked down steep streets (and I mean very steep), we trudged back up steep streets (and I mean so steep they even slowed Sara down).  So steep, that they required switch-backs to zig zag the slope.  My goodness.  These people have hills. 

A highlight of the walking tour was an overlook that they called a "balcony" where you stand there (outside) and look down over the old town.  So you are standing *way* up high, and you feel like a bird hovering over houses/streets/etc that are much lower.  Almost like you are a giant, looking down over a train set, except that the train set is real.  And then, sure enough, we walked down the hill to actually be down there - which was neat, since then we could look back up.  

Most things are made of stone here.  And things are big.  Big tall arches.  Tall fortifications.  I guess the fortifications are why Luxembourg managed to stay its own country all this time, and not be invaded and taken over.  Good for them.  

The city is not sleepy.  There is a hustle-bustle here.  People in suits walking with purpose. Business.  Business.  We passed many groups of people walking and talking, as if they were finishing a meeting out in the street on their way to lunch.  There are also plenty of young people milling around. And as always in Europe, there were plenty of the older generation walking around (like 80+).  They shuffled down the streets in their sensible shoes and sensible coat.  Going from Point A from Point B as they probably have for a decade or so.  

After the walking tour we went back to the hotel (Hotel Royal).  I was tired.  So after getting Julia down for a nap, I curled into a ball on the bed and was out too.  I heard Dan putting Sara down for a nap, "Papa, I'm not tired, I don't want to sleep" she'd say.  "Okay, you don't have to sleep, just lay down and give puppy a hug"  he replied.  And it worked.  She gave her puppy stuffed animal a hug and was zonked out.   We slept from 3:30 - 5:30.  

When we woke the city was being cleaned.  By they I mean it was getting a shower.  Rain.  Drops pelted down.  No one was outside.  These people are smart, why be out in the rain?  We ordered room service, relaxed, and got to bed at a decent hour.  

It was a full day, with the walking tour and the markets taking up much of our time.  We did (naturally) get some Luxembourg style cookies, which they called macaroons. Here they are colorful round things about the size of a half dollar, filled with some goo.   Sara liked them.  They are 1.10 Euro each.  When I said, "one of each color" to the lady in the store, at first she offered me a box of 25 of them, so I was glad that I repeated "one" of each color - so we got 9 of them total, which was more then enough!

I think I skipped over lunch.  Mid way in our walking tour our stomachs were ready to eat, so we strolled past a tiny whole in the wall place that looked like it would be good, and yet quick.  So often a cafe lunch is a long stop, which is okay if that is what you want.  We wanted quick.  We had a salad, a baguette sandwich, and a soda.  There were maybe 10 seats in the whole cafe, so we just found a small table for 4 and ate.  There wasn't room for the stroller in side, so we left it outside.  The meal was good, easy, and we were back on our way soon.  

One more night here.  We leave Sunday.  Goodnight. :) Lori

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