Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wednesday - Market day

Even though we eat breakfast here in the apartment, the first thing we do when we head out for the day is seek food.  The girls seem to get hungry as soon as they hit fresh air.

Today it was easy - it was market day.  Food was everywhere out on the street. 

The first part of the market we saw was up the hill from St. Francis.  It was only a few market umbrellas so we assumed it was a small market.  Then we saw that the market stretched down the hill, around the corner and along the streets like the spokes of a wheel.  When you can't see a whole street (since they aren't straight) it is hard to know what is around the next bend.  And in today's case, around the next bend was more market!  

The market was large temporary set-ups (a few feet apart from each other), covered by large white umbrellas.  (Though the set-up is up to the individual and no two market offerings look a like.)  For the vegetable stands the vegetables are on a table in large wicker baskets or in large wooden boxes.  You can see everything, and it looks fresh and pretty.  We saw probably 30 vegeable stands in the street today, a few olive stands, 12 or so bakery stands, and then there was a flea market in one area. 

For the most part the market was edible, so Sara was very excited to gather what we needed for a "feast" (her word).  She picked out carrots, celery, lettuce, radishes, and a pine apple.  I guess that is a feast in her mind!  

To buy each thing the market keeper would weigh things, tell us the price (in French) then Sara would hand over the money and take the bag.  She took this interaction very seriously and was a good buyer for us.  She even got a free carrot and a free piece of chocolate!  

After seeing miles of market our feet were ready for a sit-down break.  We went to a roof top restaurant, which had a slide for kids.  Sara and Julia went down the slide time after time, again and again, with huge grins on their faces.  They never went down alone, Sara would climb to the top, wait for Julia, put her arm around her, then they would go down the slide together.  I heard Sara tell Julia "I love you Julia" and I saw her give her a hug with her (Sara's) eyes shut.  Sara does love her sister.  Julia returns the love, as only a 1 year old can.  :)

We got Julia back to her crib quickly after lunch.  We wanted to give her a nap here instead of outside in the stroller.  It worked sort of.  We did get her into her crib quickly, but she pooped twice (two fresh diapers) and then we heard a key in her lock.  She had taken her mobile crib apart and was trying to use the key to open her bedroom door!  

Dan and I used dental floss to prevent our crib-jail-breaker from escaping again.  She tested it immediatly, and she was foiled.  Good.  No more crib escapes for now.  

We went to the grocery store, which meant playing with the toys next to the groceries.  Sara did a great job helping in the grocery store, and even helped me pack them into our 2 reusable bags.  We bought mainly light things, knowing that we'd have to carry our groceries back to the apartment.  I splurged on some tenderloin beef from Argentina.  It was 21 SF, but looked good and that really isn't bad for feeding a family of 4 (and believe me the kids can eat a lot!).  

Late Afternoon
We went back out (except for Dan) to play at a play ground, play at a toy store, and enjoy the evening scene.  Everyone is very nice.  When they see me with the stroller they help me with doors (which is pratically a necessity so I'm thankful for the help), and many people talk to Sara and Julia.  They smile and wave back.

Quotes of the day
(at the lunch slide) Julia: "Hand.  Up.  Go!"  (Julia was offering her hand to a smaller kid who was trying to climb up the slide's ladder.  She even provided further instructional help - 'up' to remind the kid that he was supposed to go up. And, 'go' to get the kid moving!  It was funny to see her communicate with another kid like that.

(at bedtime, Sara started to cry a little) 
Me: "Sara, why are you crying?"  
Sara: "I'm not Mom.  My eyes just had extra water and I had to let them drip.  They are just dripping Mom.  My body makes water for my eyes and I had to let some of it out."
(it was just funny how she explained that to me, she has said 'dripping' for crying in the past, I think she was just tired - she'll get a good night's sleep for sure!)


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