Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday - Last day in Saas Fee

We got our snow clothes on for a morning walk to the gondola, so Dan could go skiing.  It was snowing heavily.  Snow gushed down from the sky.  We are used to that now.  We've settled into the pace of Saas Fee, which includes snow falling through the air.

After Dan left to go skiing we walked through town.  Julia and I walked while Sara was on the sled.  By saying "Julia walked" I should say that she was on her own two feet, but she stopped a lot - to look at snow banks, to poke her fingers in the snow, to examine big and little things, and to say 'hi' to passerby's.  Sara enjoyed her time on the sled, which is a wooden thing as long as she is that has curved runners on the bottom.  It keeps her elevated about 1 foot off the ground. So she likes flying along the ground - and when ever we stopped to wait for Julia (while she investigated something or poked in the snow) Sara just took time to move the snow with her fingers or stare at the sky.

Julia has been better at wearing her gloves.  But she still whips them off.  Her hands get so red.  We stopped at a bakery mid-walk and both girls climbed up into a seat to devour their treats.  I didn't get my own treat, I just shared theirs, which is an interesting feat considering the iron grip each had on their treat.


We came back to the apartment for lunch and Julia's nap time.  The snow continued.  Blanketing the air and ground with puff.  

Dan returned to the apartment and we all went for a walk together.  He had to return his skiis, so we got the sled and I walked with Julia while he sledded with Sara.  They both went sledding down the street (a very common thing around here) while Julia and I took smaller steps noticing the smaller things, like how the snow sticks to raised letters on signs, how the snow gathers on fence posts, and how the snow tastes when you scoop up a white snow cone in your hand.  Julia liked having one hand occupied by a bread roll from the bakery and one hand occupied by a fist full of snow.

Dan works all evening, so I cook dinner, wrangle the kids, clean up, and then shuffle the kids to bedtime.  Both kids have a cold, so I gave Sara some cold medicine and she nearly fell asleep at the table.  "Mom, I"m not going to be awake much longer," she said, probably when the medicine took effect.  She was asleep about 5 minutes later.

Julia was up a little later than Sara, which is sort of a nice treat since I didn't have to rush her bedtime so I could start Sara's.  She has a runny nose but is her normal happy self.  

We are packed up to leave tomorrow.  One bus, and two trains will get us to our next place.  

Great two weeks.  Went by fast.

Quotes of the day:
(at the bakery today) Sara: Mom, how about you eat the rest of this.  (after guarding her treat for several minutes she had enough of it and shared it with me).

(when sledding with Dan) Sara: "Woooo, that was fun!" (after careening down the hill with Dan on the back of the sled and her on the front)


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