Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday - pictures of night walk and Swan

[You can click the pictures to make them bigger.]  After dinner we went out for a walk.  We didn't have a plan, we just choose a direction and started walking.  We ended up at the river.  The girls got right to playing - they dug in the dirt, they tossed stones, the looked at the 2 swans, they used sticks as tools, and had the best time.  

 One of Fribourg's bridges is in this picture, we walked across it to get to the old town.  
 On the way back to the apartment Julia gave Sara one if her sticks (how nice!) and our girls used the sticks to whack things determining the sound that sticks make on everything - fences, iron railings, downspouts, and rock walls.  It sounded the best on iron railings, and downspouts made the loudest sound.
The hills are so steep that sidewalks often have steps.  This is near our apartment.  The bells from city hall (the one with the pointed top) chimed 6:30 as we walked back.  It was a fantastic night walk, even if they got so dirty they had to have a bath/shower after!  END 

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