Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thursday: Sprinkle rain, sheets of rain, drenching rain

We began the day around 7:30.  I was out the door with Sara and Julia soon after, Dan wanted to do some work so he stayed in the apartment.  

It was projected to rain.  Not to worry, we won't melt.  I put the kids into the double stroller and set out into Fribourg.  We headed up into town (versus down into town, everything is either up or down here).  It began drizzling as I past the Fribourg Centre.  We'll be okay I thought, so I kept walking.  Soon it was raining.  To much.  I back tracked and went to the Fribroug centre, which is an indoor shopping center.  

Sara and Julia spotted a small carousel for kids and Sara leapt out of stroller and rushed over to it.  Julia said, "MAMA!" so I'd let her out, and then she nearly tripped over herself to get to it.  They happily played happily on it for probably 20 minutes.  I browsed a nearby jewelery store.  They had very pretty things.  I've noticed a lot of gems and diamonds are man made - very pretty and not very pricy.  With Valentine's day (even here!) there are a lot of hearts in the jewelry designs.  

When they were done playing we walked all four levels of the center.  We didn't go in stores, it was fun just seeing what type of things they sell.  Many people smiled at Sara and Julia.

"Can we go to that cafe Mom?" was Sara's way of asking for lunch. We went up to the 4th level to the Co-op cafe (part of the Co-op grocery market) [Oh, and we went to an outdoor market here in Fribourg yesterday on our way to Bern - it was full of bakery stuff, meats, and vegetables, similar to a market in France in the summer.  If we weren't on our way out of town we would have bought more stuff, but as it was we bought 3 breads - a raisin dense loaf, a braided loaf, and a basic white. All were unsliced (of course) and all came in paper bags decorated with bright colors.]  


The first thing we noticed about the "co-op cafe" was the kid play area.  I had to hold Sara back from running to it so I could go to the bathroom.  It can be hard to figure out how to use a public bathroom when I'm out with Sara and Julia, but this one was pretty easy, I left Julia with Sara and was very quick.  

It was 11:15, so none of the lunch options were available in the large cafe.  I did some self-serve vegetable soup (3CF) and then let Sara and Julia play in the play area.  They had the BEST time.  There were blocks, dolls, books, vehicles, other kids, and some grown-ups.  Even a map on the wall with marbles to push around.  They didn't even look back at me after they went into the play area, and when I glanced out the window at the driving rain I was glad to have found our indoor oasis.  

Turns out there was an education event going on, and so some educators played with Sara and Julia.  One of them came up to me, and told me Julia was sweet, and asked if we were on vacation. I said yes and we chatted a little more before she went back to the kids.  I ate my soup, read a French newspaper (looked at the pictures), and relaxed (it took some conscious effort to relax, I had to loosen my muscles, sit back, and remind myself that Sara and Julia were playing and I didn't need to be on edge to take care of them -- so I relaxed and enjoyed my vegetable soup - which was like a creamy tomato soup with some lumps of stuff in it.).  

After a while Julia would check on me, then go back to her playing.  After another while Julia asked for "cheese!" so I knew she was hungry.  I went to the self-serve restaurant and got some chicken with mushroom sauce (huge chunks of mushrooms in brown goo), and also some delicious shrimp and rice.  It came to 24 CF.  I'm glad I carry water with us, since even 20 cl of drink (like 4 ounces) is 2.40 CF.  

The restaurant was full, I had a great seat by the play area.  We enjoyed being out with all the Swiss people on the rainy day.

Sara wanted some chocolate.  I didn't want to get the chocolate at the restaurant (4th floor) so we took the elevator down to the 1st level grocery store.  This is after Sara helped put our dishes on the conveyer belt after lunch, she was fascinated with where the dishes were going.  We got a big chocolate bar for 1.10 CF, and I let her have a little square.  (I don't let Julia have chocolate.)  We also got some strawberries, meatballs to cook for dinner, mineral water with carbonation (with 'gas'), bread (1.15 for a big loaf), and three huge bananas.  Bananas are pricy here, .50CF each, where at home they are .19 each.  They must travel further to get here?  

Rain, Rain
It was raining as I walked back to the apartment, when we got here Julia said "poo" so we knew she had one, and then she took a nap.

Sara and I went out on the town while Julia slept/napped and Dan worked.  I only had a map, some water, and a pen.  No back pack or stroller.  We walked all over, playing "adventure" and "treasure map" where I'd say something she had to find and she would try to find it.  Once I said "find a big door!" and Sara found a colossally huge dark wooden door with a metal latch big enough to keep a giant out - and when we opened the door we were in a church. It didn't much look like a church from the outside.  There was stained glass, silence, and pews inside.  Some men that looked like monks were at the altar lighting candles.  We stayed for a few mintues then left, off to find our next thing on our spur of the moment made-up treasure hunt.  Another time we ended up on a view balcany, and it had square cement tiles.  Sara decided to play a game of hopscotch.  We had fun jumping around on the top of the world together.

Believe it or not there is a McDonalds here, so we (Sara and I) went inside.  I was curious about the cheese burger with Gruyeres cheese.  Things were pricy.  A hamburger, fries, drink was 11.90 CF.  Wow!  A filet of fish meal was 9.90.  We got a basic hamburger 2.50 and a small ice cream coronet (1.50).  It was more to see what it was like than about the food. It was clean, almost sophisticated, and just as expensive to eat a meal there as the cafe where we ate earlier.  People were relaxing and talking there like anywhere else.  It didn't have the McDonalds smell to it, and if you want a meal fast with out the fuss of a waiter, why not eat there? They had a salad with a bunch of stuff on it for 9.90, and it looked pretty good!  When we excited McDonalds Sara wanted to play hide and seek, so we did - right on the main pedestrian street (no cars, and lined with stores and other walkers).  She hid under cafe tables, and I pretended to "find"  here even though I always knew where she was.

At one point Sara and I took a walk up a steep set of stairs.  We basically wanted to see where they went.  They were long.  Probably the same as 5 flights of stairs, straight up.  People kept coming down, but no one else was going up.  When we reached the top (she beat me, since she was racing me up) we found ourselves at the University.  It was *very* windy.  I have a hat that goes over my ears and I was holding on to it!  Sara could barely walk she was being pushed by the force of the wind. We kept our visit short, and found a different staircase, and descended back to the main street again.  Part of the fun of exploring (especially with out a big stroller) is being able to spot a side street or a stair case and just try it.  

Toy Store
We decided to go into a toy store, and it turned out to be a place where tiny dolls are 47 CF.  Whao!  I told Sara we were just looking and she said "you could use your credit card" and I still said we were just looking.  The shop keeper kept and eye on us we were the only ones in the shoe box sized store.  

After the toy store we walked out into a rain storm. Sheets of rain were falling from the sky.  The world was grey.  The buildings were grey, sky was grey, and we ran.  "Do you have anything to keep me dry?" Sara asked, but I didn't.  No umbrella or anything.  We'd just have to run in the ran.  We did.  We ran. We got drenched.  Our shoes struck the wet pavement only to leave again in a large stride.  The cobblestones provided ample traction.  Soon we were down the hill and dashing to our apartment.  Sara fell.  She said she was trying to catch up with me to hold my hand.  I wished she had let me know that, I guess I was in the lead to get us back to the apartment quickly, she got up and we held hands the rest of the way.

We had meatballs, sauce, and pasta.  Then Julia played with play-doh for an hour and we kept things quiet as the day drew to a close.

It was a good day, and we now what rain looks like as it flies through the sky - especially since we are up high and you really can watch it fall down to the village below.

Quote of the day 
(at lunch) Sara: "Mama, you keep putting food on my plate, but my teeth are tired of chewing."


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