Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday - Explore Town (Fribourg)

Our first quest was coffee.  Since the coffee maker here uses pods, the coffee we transported from our last apartment is worthless, unless we want to smell it.    

It was 9:00 when we left the apartment.  Sara and Julia had breakfast of kiwi, oranges, eggs, and bread.  Dan and I ate what they didn't, so my breakfast was one bite of egg and two bites of kiwi.  I ate standing up on the way out the door.

The sky was moody; maybe it didn't have coffee either.  It was grey and smoldering.  The sun was muted behind the thick murky clouds that didn't part even for the brilliant sun.

We slogged up the hill- and I do mean hill - it is like San Francisco here, with one of the main streets going at such an angle, there are actually steps on the side to help with the climb. 

I saw a shop with baked goods (not a bakery, but a confectionary) I dashed inside, followed by Sara and Julia who had no intention of being left outside on the street while I was inside looking at the delicious freshly baked stuff.  

I picked out two brioches, Sara picked out a pain de chocolate, and Dan paid.  Julia looked up at the brioche with lust, and we went next door to the cafe to sit down.  (It is common to have one shop do the food, and then you sit down and have a waitress bring you a drink.)  In the cafe the girls climbed up on big wooden seats and seized the brioches.  Perhaps I should have asked for 3 of them instead of 2.  They ate them for a while, then they turned to their toys and Dan and I got to finish everything off.  I got a hot chocolate (just to be different) and Dan had a coffee.  Those two drinks were 9.80 CF (the bill includes the tip).  So it is always important to savor drinks since they are pricy.  The lady offered and brought Sara a little glass of water for free - how nice!  We sat right by the window so we could enjoy the cafe scene (with business men reading newspapers and lady friends gabbing to each other) & the outdoor scene (people riding bikes to work, people slogging up the street to the train station, old ladies opening their apartment windows and looking out into the world).  The cafe had outdoor tables that looked appealing, complete with orange blankets to keep you warm.  We were happy inside.  We ate every bite and drained our drinks. 

After that we bought coffee pods.  The first shop we went into was very, very, very fancy.  They were selling coffee pods like they were diamonds.  I do not remember the brand, but Dan said George Clooney does commercials for them.  Once we figured out that their posh coffee pods didn't fit the machine in our apartment, the lady walked us to the door and opened it!  We can take a hint!  

Then we went to the co-op grocery store to buy our coffee pods.  That was a beautiful store too, with a produce section that made me say "wow" and we got some food as well as 2 packs of pods.  Coffee will no longer be a problem.

Mid Morning
Last night Dan used Google Earth to find play grounds.  We went to one of them - and the girls ejected themselves out of the bob-stroller and ran top speed along the mushy wet grass to get to the playground equipment.  They rocked on rocking horses, climbed rope walls, and whizzed down slides.  Julia especially smiled wide - as if the thrill of the playground was the best thing ever.  Sara takes on the role of teacher - and shows Julia how to climb ladders and how not to fall on her butt at the bottom of the slide.  Julia is an eager learner.

We came to the apartment and made grilled cheese for lunch.  With a side of cherry tomatoes.  It was good.

After lunch
We tried for nap time.  Not.  Julia jumped in her crib like it was a trampoline for 20 minutes solid.  She must have burned 200 calories.  Sara asked Dan 400 questions.  We gave up on naptime (Julia said "yea!  weeeee!" when I lifted her out of her crib.) and went for a walk.

This is a cool town.  We've been to Bern, Lucerne, Zurich, and some other Swiss towns/cities before this trip (some in our pre-kid days, and we also went to Bern and Lucerne with Sara when she was about Julia's age).  This town Fribourg reminds us a little of those other places, all mixed together.

What didn't we see today?  I can't think of anything. We saw old wooden bridges spaning the river (and crossed them).  We saw fresco art (and admired it).  We saw fountains, crooked roof tops, river side paths, statues on building corners, tile mosaic floors, medieval buildings, timbered houses, ---- anywhere you look here you could study what you see.  It is unreal.  I loved it.  We walked along the water path for a while - and we also walked along the narrow streets in the "old town" we are the only tourists.  That is a benefit of February - the town is ours to enjoy.  

Fribourg tourisme says "Fribourg, a city of incomparable charm, founded in 1157 by Duke Berthold IV of Zaehringen, nestling by its meandering river, the Sarine, is acknowledged to possess one of the finest ensembles of medieval architecture anywhere in Europe."  

I understand that comment (above) now.  Especially the word "ensembles" - when you sweep your eye as you walk around town you may see a wooden bridge or a modern bridge - or a tiny roof covering a tiny chimney, or a roof with a painted over hang.  There are so many details to stare at I was glad I could walk easily while looking around at everything.  

Julia took a fantastic nap while we walked.  Sara walked with us, which is better for her not waking Julia up while she is sitting next to her.  Sara got tired, but she kept walking.  My pedometer says 6.38 miles and 14,578 steps, and 39 flights of stairs!  And all we did was wander around this amazing town.  

Dan started work at 4:00 PM, we got to the apartment at 3:59.  While Sara and Julia ran around the apartment (literally) I made dinner and then played with them (playdoh and sticker book) 'till it was time for bed.  Julia called out once, but then she went to sleep quickly.  Sara is still goofing around (I think, the bedrooms are down the hall and I'm at the kitchen table with Dan) but she will head to dream land soon.

Quotes of the day:
(on our walk) Dan:  "Sara, if you don't stop being a goof goof I'm going to carry you upside down to the apartment."  (ha!)

(just now) Sara: "Mom? I need you to re-fill this for me, it is very empty.  I love you."   (Sara likes to have a full glass of water for bedtime, and she has learned to tack on "I love you" to certain requests to ensure they are fulfilled.)  

(at dinner) Sara: "I'll sit next to Julia."  (no matter where I put her plate, Sara will always pick it up and move it next to Julia, then she will move her chair next to her too.  She does it all the time, it is sweet.)

(on our coffee quest)  Sara: "Where are we going?"  
Me: "To buy Dad some coffee."
Sara:  "He sometimes drinks milk or water."   (though that is true, Sara has yet to realize that some people just need coffee even if other beverages are available)

(on our walk) Sara: "Can I try that too?"  (while we were out on our walk, a very distinguished looking shop keeper lady left her shop, and raised her cup to a fountain, then drank the water.  Sara and I both watched her every movement.  The lady drank two glasses.  We are very near the town of Evian where the famous water comes from, so I guess the town fountains not only have potable water, but great water.  I let Sara re-fill our water bottle out of that same fountain - she reached way out to let the water stream inside our bottle.  We both tried it, and it was good water. I never would have done that though, with out seeing that lady do it first - as if she does it every day.  I guess she doesn't bring a bottle of water with her to work, she just steps out of her shop and gets it from the source! How cool!"  

A great day.  Full of exploration, waterside paths, medieval wonders, and hugs from our Sara and Julia.  (And smiles too!)


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