Saturday, February 1, 2014

Saturday - Winter Walk, Fondue

It snowed on and off today, with the air feeling warmer as we walk around town.

Dan is off work today (since it is Saturday) and he went skiing from around 11:00 AM - 3:30 PM.  I took the kids for a walk in the woods - to the restaurant we like on the ridge between towns.  I had the chef special soup which was vegetable in a huge white terrine with a puff pastry on top.  

We decided to have fondue and pizza for dinner (can you ever really have to much cheese?) so we got a 1 KG loaf of bread from a bakery and some cheese and some white wine.  It makes for a simple dinner - with easy clean up too!

I was just shopping for clothes for Sara on and picked out a "follow your dreams" shirt for her. When I showed her all the clothes I picked out for her that was the one she liked best (she read it herself).  I think that is neat that she liked it - and I hope she does indeed follow her dreams.

Julia didn't nap today, and in the evening she was a bit tricky to make happy, but once we were back in the apartment she was so happy.  She loves walking top speed up and down the hall - especially with Sara's sneakers on.  Today Julia looked so cute with a Swiss themed outfit and knit leg warmers on.  

Dan said the skiing was white out conditions with heavy snow and it was like "skiing in a cloud."  He said it was hard to know how fast he was going since he couldn't see the ground and there were no audible or visual cues.  He was happy about his ski day though, since the snow is great and there are not very many people here.  

Sara is smily and happy.  Her days are full of questions and new sights and sounds.  She is fun to spend time with.  Right now as I type this she is smiling at me, then Dan, then back at me - as if it were a smile tennis match.  She is eating pizza from dinner (probably as a tactic to stay up later - it is already 8PM).  She got to have a "bear cookie" from a bakery today. It is two large sugar cookie type things with hazelnut goo in the center - and some cute decorations.  It fed all 3 of us in the afternoon - and it is fun to be able to buy things like that, which are fresh and made with quality, versus packaged cookies that are more common near home (where you can't just pop into a bakery!).

Today marks one week here - so we are scheduled to be here one more week.  I'm guessing the next week will go fast.  

Quotes of the day:
(after a bakery) Sara: "Mom, I'd like an inside piece please."  (Sara really likes the inside soft parts of the bread, and Julia really likes to gnaw on the outside hard shell of the bakery bread.)

(after making a rule list):  Sara: "Dad?  Can I have a paper towel please?  I made a mess.  Rule #3 is no mess.  So I will clean up my mess."  (Wow!)  

(just now):  Sara:  "Mom, would it be okay if I do the soap for the dishwasher now?"  (for some reason, putting the soap in the dishwasher is something Sara loves doing, both at home and here.  She just now told me " the soap looks funny Mom, thanks for unwrapping it for me" since the soap here looks different.  

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