Sunday, February 2, 2014

Sunday - snow play; Lunch out; Bliss walk; quiet time; sledding

It snowed so much over night and this morning that the ski mountain was closed when Dan checked its status at 8:45 AM.  They needed to manage the snow.  Groom the runs.  And, they needed to blast with canons to make snow piles avalanche in a controlled manner. 

We could hear the blasts of the canons from our breakfast table.  Boom.  Boom.  It reminded me of ski trips in the past where we have heard the same sound.  To Sara it was new.  She didn’t believe us at first - but she came to realize that the blasts were real.  

Since the ski mountain was closed (and Dan couldn’t go skiing) we decided to go out for a village walk.  Julia had other ideas.  She objected to putting her snow suit on, so Dan put her down for a nap.  Sara and I went outside and played.  

Our outside time just Sara and I was special.  I love having both Sara and Julia, but it is different -- and having just the two of us we could make up stories and be silent when we wanted to.  Sara wanted to play in the back yard, so we did.  The back yard is a large area, out of sight from the rest of the world.   The only things in it are a rock wall and a few trees.  The snow was astounding.  When Sara walked she sunk into her knees.  When I walked I went into my hips.  I went deeper since I’m heavier - and so walking in the snow was unreal.  The top foot of snow was powder and heavenly.  We sat in the snow, we ate the snow, we laughed in the snow, we made an ice cream shop (complete with 20 flavors) in the snow, and we made a snow village.  We even made a tunnel.

We both wore our full snow suits.  It is nice to play and not even feel the cold.  At one point we rested in the snow, laying on our backs.  The new falling snow landed on our faces “Mom, the snow is tickling my face” Sara said.  And that was accurate.  The snow really did tickle.  

As we played we made up countless stories.  About people visiting our ice cream shop and so forth.  We also spent a lot of time sitting side by side still -- very still -- so we could see and hear the snow falling from the tiny tree branches once the tree branch had accumulated so much snow it couldn’t hold any more.  She loved that concept, that extra snow would fall off a tree like that.  Each time we saw it happen we would point and yell “over there!”  “I see it!” - to her it was very exciting.  And in a snowy world where the main thing going on is -snow- it was exciting.  

One of our stories I said, “there is a magic snow ball that if we can find it, it will take us anywhere we want to go!”  And she sat back on her heels, looked up at me and said, “But Mom, we are where we want to be.”  

Then around 10:15 AM Dan came out with Julia.  Julia was now happy.  Very happy.  Jubilant.  Dan said she did a big poo. So she was lighter too. We played in the snow a little then Julia walked down the path towards the road. We followed. She lead us all the way into the village and to the bakery.  We got a wooden booth in the back, and the four of us shared 1 pizza (“flame kuchen”) and one “home made” waffle with ice cream on top.  It also had whipped creme that was so real it was almost butter.  Sara didn’t like the taste of the whipped creme, but she gobbled up the rest.  

While at the meal Dan checked the internet and the ski mountain was now open.  It opened around 11:30.  We left the bakery and headed towards town.  

Sara and Julia were so happy.  They light on their feet as they bopped through the village.  Julia lead the way.  Her little pink snow suit looks adorable swaddling her whole body with warmth - and her brown leather polka-dot boots covering her feat.  Not only were the girls happy they were full of energy.  The mountain air must have worked magic - they smiled and giggled - and it was wonderful.  (They are usually happy, but they were just so much so happy that it was super!)  We decided to walk around the village - not that we had much choice. Julia was out in front of us by about 3-5 yards and she was leading the way.  We walked across the lower bridge, we found a snowy path through historical wooden buildings, we walked along the river - which seemed to be flowing in the riverbed with almost as much happiness as Sara and Julia were gliding through the snow.  They didn’t walk, they didn’t run, they did a sort of joyful jog.  It was the best hour or so we’ve had all together outside.  It was just perfect.  The world was Winter white - new snow was falling - and no one else was around - it was our own Swiss Alpine paradise.

After climbing in a snow bank Sara and Julia decided it was time to head back to the apartment.  We climbed the snowy path and got back here.  Dan got his ski gear and went skiing.  He said that at some points the snow was waist deep and he had a great time skiing.  I think he got back around 4:30.  By that time the girls were done with naps and dinner.  So when Dan got back we went outside to play.

This time we went sledding. We bought these little 5 CF sleds (2 of them) and we created our own sledding hills out of the snow banks by our apartment.  Sara had the best time ever.  Julia joined in.  She would get to the top (with some help from me) and then slide down on her butt -- with the biggest look of wonder on her face.  (And a one year old kid can create a really good look of wonder.)  We made dozzens of journeys down our sledding hill - I got so warm I nearly took off my coat.  They had so much fun.  After nearly an hour I suggested we “go to a bakery and get a bear cookie” Sara said, “but I’d rather do this!”  -- so I loved that she was having so much fun being active that even her favorite cookie was not enticing!  Dan and Julia did walk to the bakery - and they brought home several treats.  Sara and I kept sledding and making up stories to go with our playing.

When Dan and Julia got back from the bakery Julia was wearing gloves.  For the first time all trip.  I commented on it, and Dan said, “some old lady cussed me out in German for her not wearing gloves, so I put them on.  Then, when Julia tried to take them off, the lady yelled at her too.”  So I guess all we have to do to get Julia to wear gloves is to yell at her in German!  

It got dark.  We left our sledding hill.  We came inside, and the hallway became scattered with winter coats, hats, gloves, scarfs, and boots.  We ate our stuff from the bakery.  The room was dim, but there was a glow from the day that made it seem bright.

After bathtime (which the girls just love swimming in the bathtub) the girls chased each other around the apartment with smiles and long strides.  Sara runs just fast enough to keep ahead of Julia and Julia burns rubber to catch up with Sara.  They must hurt their cheeks smiling that much.

I put Julia to bed.  It took 2 seconds. I just put her in her crib and closed the door.  She called out once, but then slept.  Dan put Sara to bed.  It took 2 stories, but she is asleep too.  It is 7:50 PM.

A great day.

Quotes of the day (some mentioned above in the blog)
(While playing out side with Sara) 

Me: “Sara, there is a magic snow ball that if we can find it, it will take us anywhere we want to go!”  

Sara: “But Mom, we are where we want to be.”

(While getting our Winter clothes on to go outside)

Sara: “Mama, can you put these on so I’ll be super warm?”

Me: “Sure.  You are just like me, I like to be super warm too.”

Sara:  “I hug you to be warm.”


(When we were all going to go out to play, but then it turned out Julia was ready for a nap.)

Me: “Well, it doesn’t look like Julia is going to go out to play.”

Sara: “Just you and I can go. Papa can take care of Julia.  I will take good care of you, and you will take good care of me.”



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