Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thursday - Kids? Go here. Animal pond area

Day Plan
When we first got here to Lausanne and I asked what we should do with our kids, the tourist information lady suggested we take bus #16 to a pond area with animals.  That's all we knew.  It seemed like a worthy adventure so we set out to do it today.

Catching the bus
Figuring out a city's bus system can be daunting.  Where do you catch the bus?  Which bus?  Which stop?  How do you get a ticket?  Which ticket zone?  What time does the bus come?  Thankfully, it wasn't very hard.  Most buses stop in front of St. Francsis, which is easy to find.  At first we waited for bus 16 in the wrong direction.  Once we crossed the street we were good to go.  Naturally, taking the bus meant 100 questions from Sara.  Sort of like the questions I put above.  She likes to know what is going on. It makes it hard for us to think since we are always answering her questions.  

The bus was clean and nice.  Julia wanted to sit on my lap, and was yelling 'till she got there.  Once she was on my lap, she sat perfectly and quietly.  Well almost quietly.  She said, "yeah!  whooo-hooo!  weeee!" like the bus ride was a ride at Disney.  She liked each turn, each time we climbed a hill, and she held onto my arm just to make sure she was safe. Even riding a bus is exciting if you are 1 year old.  Or if you are 5 years old.  They treated the bus ride like it was an adventure - which I guess it was.  We went up higher and higher, into the forest.

When we got off we saw the pond/animal thing.  There were a few other parents there with their kids.  It was basically a small pond with ducks, pigs, chickens, a cow, goats, and paths connecting all of them.  Sara said "this is great! I'm so glad we came here!" and Julia didn't stop walking on the paths - well she did stop, to poke the ground with a stick.  They were pals and often walked together.  
After the animals and paths (where we were trying to keep everyone as clean as possible) we took the bus back to the center of town and to a restaurant.  It was our least-best choice of the trip - a pizza and pasta was 43 SF, and it wasn't that wonderful.  But I guess of a 5 week trip you are allowed one bum meal, and it was okay just not that great.  (It pays to look at the menu first before you sit down, just to make sure you know what you are getting into. We didn't do that this time.)

After lunch we napped.  Even Sara!  She really needed it.  After that we were able to take a dinner break (Dan included) where we went to Manor department store for some crepes (ham/cheese) and then we got a whole lot of fruit in the market below.  (Sara had requested fruit salad for dinner so we made sure we had a lot of fruit to give her.)

I spent some time packing, as we leave Saturday.  

At bedtime I drew with colored pencils with Sara as a quiet activity, then it was off to bed.  And I'm heading that way too soon.

Quote of the day:
Sara: "Mom, this year, when we go to camp home, we are taking an airplane.  It takes to long to get there when we take our car."


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