Saturday, February 22, 2014

Saturday: All better; Market Day; Explore

When I cracked my eyes open in the morning I felt fine.  Unlike the day prior where I felt like glue dumped out of a bottle, I was able to get up, hug my little daughter, smile at my big daughter, and greet the day.

It was still dim over Lake Geneva.  Our windows provide a panoramic view across to the other side, up to the mountains, and into the clouds.  

As we ate breakfast of eggs, cereal, and berries the sky grew bright, the sun came out, and I felt strong.  I was thankful for that. 

I took a much needed shower.  The clothes I wore when I was sick walked themselves to the clothes-washer for a much needed washing.  Sara took care of Julia while I showered (about 10 feet away) and one time Julia called for something, I said, "I'll be right there honey" and Sara said, "that's okay Mom, you can do it after you finish your shower."  That sounded so mature of Sara.  And I appreciated her giving me the time to become me again.

Market Day (Saturday)
Today's market was similar to Wednesdays, but more crowded.  On Wednesday we could stroll along the market.  Today, when Sara leaped out of the double-stroller to walk, she got swallowed into the crowd.  Not to worry.  She looked over her shoulder to keep an eye on us.  She picked out many things to buy.  Including radishes.  

We also bought some pink primroses.  Buying things at market is a dance.  First you look, bending over the display to study the item you are contemplating.  Then you show interest, enough to draw the market proprietor over to you.  Finally, you smile and point, while digging into your pocket for the right coins to buy the item.  These days Sara does these steps like a pro - leaving us to watch her and enjoying seeing her be so grown up.

Strolling, Buying, Eating
The architecture here leaves me wishing I knew more about the cupola shaped spires, slate roofs, gothic arches, and medieval hodge-podge.  That's my favorite: the crooked lanes with houses slapped around like someone 400 years ago had fun with timber and brick.  They aren't uniform, they aren't tall, they are like something you'd see in a story book.  And here in Lausanne, old-stuff mingles with sleek modern bridges, glass shopping centers, and museums.  Very cool for walking around!

We got one pizza and a huge plate of asian food at a top floor restaurant.  It was reasonable at 27 SF total, even enough to have left overs.  

After lunch we found a new park with the Palace of Justice,  a big green open space, and an elevated sweeping view of the Lake.  Sara and Julia focused on a mud puddle in the middle of it all.  "Mom, how about we make it shaped like Antarctica?" Sara said, beginning to shape the mud puddle into Antarctica with her foot.  Julia decided to step in the puddle and walk in circles.  Sara dropped her Antarctica idea, and joined Julia in making circles with the muddy water.  They gleefully ran around and around together 'till the muddy puddle was transformed to a muddy puzzle of foot prints.  All the while they laughed, held hands, and sang songs with lyrics only they understand.  

While Julia and Sara played (the 'mud puddle'  was actually in a dry fountain) I sat on a rock seat to watch. They were having so much fun I relaxed, closing my eyes and lifting my head up to enjoy the sun, breathing deep the clean air, and letting my eyes take their time looking at the lake and mountain view. Dan wandered around the grounds, exploring a bit.  

Then, Sara ran like lightning slipped and fell.  She didn't yell.  Thankfully.  I'm glad that she can fall and not yell these days.  She fell hard. She was cold and wet.  Julia busied herself going up and down stone steps while I got Sara into dry clothes.  Dan returned from his explorations and we soon decided it was time to leave the park - Julia had other ideas. While Sara climbed into the stroller ready for a break, Julia took off towards another area.  (We were in a park, so it was okay.)  I stayed with her, jogging a bit to keep up with her.  She lead us to a building that is in the tourist guidebook, so it was nice we got to see it, even though Julia didn't look at the building, she just sat down to play with the stones surrounding it.   She yelled when I put her in the stroller, then she was quiet after a minute.  That is common with her.  She'll yell in complaint about being put in the stroller (who can blame her) but then she has fun looking around and accepts her seat.  We let her walk as much as possible, but it isn't practical time-wise or safety-wise to have her out sometimes.    

At 4:00 we were in one of the main squares in town.  It is where several of the pedestrian streets converge.  There is a fountain there (dry now in Winter)  and there is a clock that is animated on the hour.   We watched it at noon today and now also at 4:00.  When we watched it at noon it was during the market (markets are only in the morning 'till about 1:00  or so) and Sara and Julia watched with many other kids sitting on a stone step.  Actually it was cute.  At noon, Sara sat with a whole line of kids on a stone step and I was holding Julia.  Julia wiggled out of my arms, went over to Sara, poked Sara, and Sara said, "this is my little sister Julia" and then Sara gave Julia her seat on the stone step.  (I was so proud.)  Then Sara sat right on the step below, and I knelt down to be by Julia.  Julia reached up to me, took my hand, and held my  hand while the clock did its animation.  Now that it was 4:00 Sara and Julia were the only kids on the step.  They looked up at the clock with fixated eyes, and enjoyed the mini-show.  

Time for a treat.  We stopped in a "tea room" which is basically a bakery/confectionary that serves hot/cold drinks.  (They are all over town and are kind of like our Starbucks but totally different.  But they are a place you can relax, stay as long as you want, and chat.  They have table service for the drink, and you get your bakery/confectionary stuff at the glass counter.)  Dan got the treats while I went to the bathroom.  He got 4!  We each had our own treat, wow.  I guess Sara picked out one for Julia.  He had a beer and I had a coffee.  We ate our treats.  I had Julia on my lap (no high chairs were around) and our girls were a hit with two ladies sitting near by who kept watching them and smiling.  

Soon it was time to go, so we walked back to the apartment (I have 12,000 steps on my pedometer, 5.24 miles, 23 flights of steps), stopping first at the store to buy diapers and a few other things (most stores are closed Sunday so we planned a head) and Dan made dinner while I gave SAra and Julia a bath.

At 6:00 Julia was in dreamland after a quick dance on my shoulder to a lullaby.  By 6:30 Sara was in dreamland after I went into Julia's room, swiped her doll, and gave it to Sara who said she wanted a doll.  

Quote of the day
(at the market)  Sara: "Let's get radishes for our feast!"  
Me: "Are you going to eat them?"
Sara: "No, they are for you and Papa to share."
(at the park) Sara: "Mom, how about we name bouncy things.  I'll start: Pogo-stick."  
(at the park) Sara: "Julia is fine Mom.  I'm taking care of her."

END of a beautiful day.

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