Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tuesday - Vaison la Romaine

Today was a great day.  I woke up naturally (!) at 7:35 AM and noticed Sara was also waking up.  (We have two bedrooms here, one with a King bed + single bed, and another where we have Julia in her own room.)  Then I heard only silence.  Julia was still sleeping!  A minute later I heard her and we all started our day.  Dan got to sleep in a bit - a nice thing since he is usually the one that gets up first.  

Tuesday is market day here in our town so we stayed put.  No car trips today. Just our own two feet.  It was similar to other markets - tons of stuff, plenty of people (tourists and also local people), and fun to look at.  We got some tomatoes, peppers, onion, a hard sausage, 4 melons, and 2 quarts of strawberries.  We could not pry the strawberries out of Julia's hands - she cried if we tried to take the bin they came in away from her!  She just loves them.  Natually we also got some bakery stuff, 3 pain de chocolate (like a croisant with chocolate in it) and a baguette.  

Sadly, I lost my sun glasses.  I've had them for over 5 years.  They were with me on many adventures - and I was sad when I discovered they were lost.  We looked for them - but they are lost.  I feel bad that they are out there somewhere - with no one to wear and take care of them - they were a constant possession - and I'm sad they are gone.  

The girls got a bit bonkers so we let them out to play ball in the main square.  After that they were so quiet that we had passerby people say "your kids are so quiet" - and we said "yes, they are now."  

We noticed one man selling roasted chickens.  We wasn't just selling them, he was really working hard on them.  He had a big revolving cooker where were were probably 50 roasters inside - and he was passionately putting spices on them - hardly noticing if he had a customer.  We waited 'till we were coming back to our apartment, then we walked up to him. He explained something to Dan that seemed very important - and Dan agreed. I later asked Dan what he said, and he said, "I don't have any idea."  The chicken man made us wait for 10 minutes before giving us one of the roasted chickens.  I think it was 10 Euro.  When we got back here we ate it all.  Sara ate a huge portion, and Julia ate the last bit with her dinner.  It was a memorable chicken event.

Julia napped, Dan got to telecommuting, Sara and I played in the yard, and then around 3:00 we girls went for a walk.  I loved it.  While naturually I prefer having Dan with us - there is something to be said to being the only adult - I just walk in whatever direction sparks my interest (with out saying, "how about we go over there") and we wandered up and down the hilly streets looking at all the stores, other shoppers, and soaking in the atmosphere.  

Sara, Julia, and I ended up going across the Roman bridge (still in use for cars and people - even after 2,000 years) and up into the medieval town.  We got some ice cream at a little cafe with outdoor tables.  It was two scoops in a cone (a dish will not do) with lavender and strawberry.  Sara willingly shared the cone with Julia often- which I later surmised was because she wasn't fond of the lavendar, and was getting Julia to eat it so she could get to the strawberry ice cream below.  

After that we walked back to the apartment and the girls played so well together in the back yard while I cooked dinner.  Beef and some fruits and vegetables.  We ate outside.  Sara got a long "time out" for not having good manners, then she did fine after that.  

After dinner the girls were in bed speedily.  By 6:23 PM they were in bed sleeping.  I did the dishes and have been chilling out.  Ahhhhh, I may even have some wine.  (We are in huge wine country so I'm going local!)  

It was a good day.  We had a good rhythm, a lot of laughs, and tasty treats.

Sara: "When I'm 24 I'll bring Holly and Molly to Paris for a quick look.  We won't stay long, then we'll go back to the United States."

Sara (offering parenting ideas):  "If Holly and Molly yell, I"ll just put them in bed."  [Note: Holly and Molly are her future children, with Holly being older...and a boy.]

End of Post.


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