Friday, September 6, 2013

Friday - wow, last day Uzes, leave Saturday

How and it be that our time here is over already?  We leave tomorrow for our next stop.  

We got up early, had eggs together then headed out on a hike around Uzes.  They have walking/hiking paths well marked.  Ours was the red blaze, which took us to a gorgeous riverbed and also the ruin of the roman aquaduct portion that is here in Uzes.  (The Pont du Gard aquaduct that fed the city of Nimes back in Roman times used water that started in a Spring here in Uzes! We walked along that spring today - and walked in the old Roman stone work!)  

Sara did a great job walking.  Dan and I both wear pedometers, so we know she walked 2.75 miles with us - and it was up and down rocky hills!  Huge rocks that we had to scamper over.  And she even took more steps than we did (so did more distance) since she LOVED crossing the stream on any foot bridge we came across.  It was a lovely area - no other people in sight, just a babbling stream winding its way down hill - lined with tall leafy trees that made the whole area shaded.  And there was also green fields, that lead to rising cliff mountains and the rock towers of Uzes.  Georgeous, and how neat to have the whole area to ourselves.  I think there was one jogger there, even though there were many trail heads and trails that were in the area.  Our hiking was fun.  Julia was in the Kelty Backpack and so she enjoyed the view.  Sara wanted to be the leader - so she kept up a fast clip as she walked - with a hearty spring in her step - she had the best time being out in the fresh wide world - with no boundaries - no cars around - nothing but nature - and everything  felt timeless since it was all about trees, water, and views.  Very relaxing and refreshing for all of us!

Sara carried our provisions - a french baguette that we picked up at a bakery - actually Sara bought it all by herself.  She enjoys walking into the bakery, looking at all the bread choices in the display, ordering one, paying for it, and then carrying the bread out the door.  Really -- she does it all her self!  She loves it.  Then she carries the baguette under her arm just like everyone else in town - as if she's carried around french bread all her life.  

So Sara carried that bread the whole hike - and nibbled as she walked - offering some to Julia and us as well.  It as a happy go lucky family outing.  

The roman ruins were neat.  No ticket needed - just found them as we walked.  There was a sign to tell us all we needed to know - that it was a cistern and a channel for the water to flow.  We got to walk right through it - talk about time travel!  

After the hike, we walked up a steep stone path back to the real world.  Sara told us stories as we walked.  Dan and I shared amused glances.  Sara can tell great stories - some that really happened and some that she makes up.  They are all full of detail, and give a glimpse of her imagination.  

We walked back to the apartment, where Dan started to telecommute after lunch.  We made hamburgers (no bun) and vegetables.  Julia napped, Sara and I played lego, and Dan worked. 

In the afternoon I put Julia in the Kelty backpack and carried her around town as Sara walked by my side.  Well, Sara didn't always walk by my side, she liked walking ahead.  We hit our bakery first -to get Sara's favorite Swiss bakery treat (a long soft sweet bread) which she ate right on the bakery's steps.  After a short walk we ended up at the chocolate shop, where she picked out an eclair.  

There are three kinds of eclairs: vanilla, cafe (coffee), and chocolate.  Sara picked the cafe (coffee) one.  She wasn't fond of the flavor, so I got to eat more of the eclair than I was expecting.   :)

After that we wandered around town, enjoying the sunshine, the fountains, the french people, some tourists, and the leafty court yards.  We also popped into the cathedral/church.  Julia likes being in the Kelty but she is so adept with her hands that she can nearly get out of it - which is scary to think that she'd plummet down out of it!  So before she did that - we came back here around dinner time.  

While I made dinner the girls played nicely together - in their pool (dry, but with toys in it!) they were quiet - just playing, which has to be the best ever.  They were putting legos together and they are so cute when they hand each other lego pieces as if they have an unspoken language telling the other sister what piece they want.  If Sara passes a piece to Julia, no matter what Julia is building, she will use that piece.  Same goes for Sara.  They just collaborate and have seemless teamwork.  

While they played I made dinner - left over vegetables, hamburgers, and salad.  Since we leave tomorrow it was kind of "clean out the fridge" night. 

This evening has been quiet as we pack up.  The sounds of Uzes are right outside our windows - we hear muscians serenading the cafe customers as they dine in the outdoor tables - but little do they know they are serenading us too.  Many years ago Dan and I sat in one of those tables, before kids.  Now here we are with Sara and Julia and we eat our meals at a dining room table - not a cafe table, but we are happy and the kids are too.

Quote of the day:  While we were eating a "coffee" flavored eclair from the chocolate shop, Sara determined the flavor was "funny" and thus wanted me to get rid of the top layer of frosting on the eclair that was light brown and coffee flavored.

Sara:  "Mama, will you eat the top of this?  Then I will be happy."
Mama: "Okay."
Sara:   (Watches me with hawk eyes to ensure I don't do anything else other than eat the coffee flavored icing off the top)
Mama:  "Here you go."
Sara:  "Thanks Mom, now this will be delicious."

End of Post

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