Saturday, September 28, 2013

Saturday - Market day, Relax day

Today I was up with the kids and headed off to market day before Dan got up.  He is up late working, so I thought we may as well give him a quiet house and give us some time at the market while it was still being set up.

Sara and Julia are fun to go on adventures with.  Julia looks around at everything as we walk - taking it all in.  Sara observes (and shares her observations  and questions (asking follow-up questions based on the answers) and it all adds up to fun being with our kids.

I had Julia in the Kelty back carrier.  Dan makes it look so easy, but it is heavy!  

The market was enormous. As soon as we got to the base of the hill we saw market umbrellas.  The market engolfed the entire town.  We strolled.  It was not crowded at all (and it actually stayed that way, while the Wednesday market did get crowded) - and by the time we met up with Dan I was delighted to give him a chance to carry Julia.  We just happened to see Dan walking down the street - so that was a great way to meet up.  Otherwise we had plans to meet at the cathedral at :00 or :30 past every hour 'till we met.  I didn't know what time he'd get up - so we left our meeting time flexible  And with out phones we had to have set meeting times to make finding each other possible.

We splurged on a cafe for some coffee.  We asked about food, but the kitchen wasn't open.  It is funny how US kitchens are always open - why wouldn't you serve breakfast at breakfast time?  But these people (and all other cafes) just had coffee and drinks.  Even though Sara asked for pancakes (yeah right) we had to go across the street to the bakery to get food.  That worked fine.  For 3 euro we had more than enough fresh bread (with raisens, chocolate, and so forth) to enjoy while we savored our coffee and Sara had apple juice.  She shared some juice with Julia via a spoon.  ;)

Soon Dan went with Julia back to the house to change her diaper and give her milk and more food.  Sara and I stayed and enjoyed the market.  I let her lead.  If she wanted to stop, we stopped.  Thus, we stopped at the jewelry and the toys.  She likes jewelry a lot.  She tries on rings. She looks at necklaces.  And today she wanted to buy me a ring (so sweet) since the last time we bought a ring for her - I guess she figured it was my turn.  It was a sweet notion that she was shopping for a ring for me.  Thanks Sara.

At the end of the road there was a carousel.  Sara skipped over to it.  I dug 2 Euro out of my pocket and she paid the vendor.  She picked out a bicycle to ride (the carousels here don't have horses, they have fire trucks, bicycles, animated characters, chariots, and other animals, etc)  She was so happy as she spun around and around on the ride.  

She wanted to ride again, so I forked over another 2 Euro and she picked out a "daffy" duck type thing to ride in (still on the same carousel).  After a few spins, she rose up!  She had figured out that the duck thing could fly!  The look on her face as she rose into the air was priceless.  It was a look of wonderment combined with a look of accomplishment!  Way to go Sara!  You are a pilot!  

She *had* to ride again. So now in for 6 Euro she spun around again.  This time she was a pro-pilot and relished going up and down as she went around and around.  She kept her hands on the controls.  She looked proud as could be - looking at me (I was smiling at her), looking at the other kids (who were just going around and around on their Earth-bound ride objects), and looking at the view.  It was great.  We both loved every minute of it!  

After that we walked back through the streets of Sarlat.  She wanted to go into the cathedral, so we did.  Twice.  We looked at the stained glass - whispering to each other which color was our favorite.  Finally we sat on the cathedral steps and waited for Dan and Julia.  We didn't have long to wait.  Within minutes we spotted Dan carrying Julia and we were all together again.

We toured around a bit, and decided to get lunch.  Sara picked the place.  She found a table and we sat.  I got the 12 Euro lunch.  Dan got the 15 Euro lunch.  Sara had the 8 Euro kid lunch.  The lunches are all sort of like pre-packages - where it includes 3 courses (or 4 in Dan's case) and you pick what you want.  A bargain.  Sara's meal ended up being pizza, a hamburger, and ice cream!  (She loves France even more now!).  I had beef, lamb, then chocolate mouse.  Dan had salmon, ham, cheese, then ice cream.  Julia had a bit of everything.  We were outside at a cafe table under an awning.  A splendid meal.

After that we wandered in town, went to the public garden (very pretty, with perfect grass, and really pretty flower beds), and let Sara and Julia play on the playground.  They did the swings, they did the slide (together!), and also the tetter-totter.  It was great fun.  

After that we walked back here.  Sara told us stories the whole way.  She can tell great stories.  She tells about great events from her life - with great flourish and dramatic effect.  "I'm going to tell 5 stories, are you ready Mom, are you ready Dad?"  -- then she does.  It is truly funny.

Dan found a lounge chair from the pool and napped.  I played with Sara and Julia.  They like playing on the hill in our back yard - so we did that a lot.

Dan made us dinner once he woke up (I think he slept for 2 hours!) and we ate outside.  Then, I put Julia to bed, and later Sara to bed.  

It was a fun day.  A simple, relaxing day, full of fun.

Quote of the day: 

Scenario - right after Sara rode the carousel twice, she used the following very convincing words to get me to let her ride one last time: 
Sara: "Mom, if I can ride again, I will be happy."

End of Post

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