Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday - Last full day here in Vaison la Romaine

Our two weeks here flew by.  We're all packed up.  Our luggage that has been sitting empty is now stuffed with all our stuff.  We have the rental car again.  Dan had dropped it off in Orange on Monday, and we picked up the very same car today in Orange.  We've already loaded the car seats and Dan plans to load all our luggage in tonight so all we have to do in the morning is eat breakfast and go.  Our drive tomorrow is 5-6 hours (with out stops) so that is why we want the early start.

Our last day here was sunny and beautiful like normal.  It is tough to know if we got lucky with the weather or if it is just always like this?  If so, no wonder why the "South of France" has such a ring to it!  

We noticed 3 walking paths on the map from the Tourist Information center.  I did one the other day with Sara and Julia while Dan telecommuted.  We decided one was skippable.  And we did the 3rd today.  We set out with Julia up in the Kelty and Sara on her own two feet.  

As usual, about 10 minutes into the walk Sara asked me to carry her.  I always do.  But about 2 minutes later she said, "okay Mom, I'm done" and she walked the rest of the way herself.  (3.5 miles).  The only other time she got a lift was up on Dan's shoulders for a few minutes later on.  That *always* gets a lot of smiles from other people -- since seeing Dan with Julia on his back and Sara on his shoulders -- is quite a site!  All told Sara walked 3 miles I'd say (according to my pedometer).  

The walk we took was up, up, up -- in a different direction than we've walked thus far.  So, it was a good way to end our time here.  We wound our way out of the village and up a few streets, where the streets became so narrow it turned into a path.  Then we had to guess where to walk.  There was no signage.  We decided that the rocky hill, with some foot paths was the right direction so we headed up -- no really knowing where we were going --or if we were going the right way.  (That is to say, we loved it and were all having fun with the adventure of it all.)  

We couldn't see the top of the hill.  We just trusted that there would be a top - and that there would be something cool to see up there.  And there was.  When we crested the hill it was another "wow" moment.  From where we stood, all alone, just the 4 of us, we could see the whole village to our right - the whole medieval town perched on the sheer rock cliff to our left -- and the shining river far down below.  Also, as if that weren't enough, far in the distance we were ringed by mountains - including Mt. Ventaux.  There we were, Dan, I, Sara, and Julia standing on the breezy top of a mountain - taking in all there was to see -- savoring how cool it was that we did it.  

With out a moment to waste Sara said, "Let's have a picnic."  She found a picnic spot, pulled out the two jugs of water that *she* carried in *her* back pack - and she started to drink.  I pulled out the food I had in my back pack (I've learned to go everywhere with food!) - which was a chocolate bread thing, and almost a full baguette.  Before we left the mountain top all that was gone.  We took a few pictures.  We walked around.  We didn't rush, or think about time, or think about the next thing we were going to do -- we just enjoyed being way up there.  Up with the soaring birds.  Up where the sun is just a bit hotter.  Up where you can taste the wind.  

Then we went back down.  It didn't take long, since we knew where we were going.  Sara did good on the sheer rock.  It was all rock, with little loose rocks -- so even Dan and I had to watch our footing.  She did great and never once said she was tired.  She seems to get that all out of her system early on walks, and then she starts having so much fun she forgets -- and just runs and sprints as she walks/hikes.  Today she carried her "Peep" cuddle toy the whole way!  

Back down we decided on pizza for lunch.  The pizza man recognized us, and talked to us in French. I did a lot of smiling - but didn't have a clue what he said.  We brought the pizza (7.80 Euro) back here and devoured it.  Then Julia napped, Dan went to get the rental car in Orange, and Sara and I played.  

Around 4:00 I went for a walk with Sara and Julia.  Sara wanted some yarn so we bought some (red and pink).  Back here I made a simple dinner, did bath time, and put the sleepy ones to bed.  Sara once again wanted "Sara stories" so I'm glad I wrote all those.  She is interested in when she was 2.5 years.  It is surreal to read them with her -- and read about her younger self -- which seems like forever ago and also seems like yesterday.

I'm sitting now in the front room with Dan.  I'm about to finish up and he'll be up for a while telecommuting.  

Quote of the Day:
Sara:  "Dad!  We lost our soccer ball.  Julia and I were out playing, when suddenly, it disappeared.  Can you help us find it?"  [The way she said that was so funny, with such drama! And those are her exact words.  They did go out to find it, and it was up in a tree, exactly where Sara must have put it.  As for calling Dan "Dad" sometimes he is Papa and sometimes Dad.  Just like I'm more often 'Mom' than 'Mama' but sometimes "MumMum" which is my favorite.]

End of Post (off to Sarlat tomorrow)


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