Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tuesday - Afternoon

After sledding Dan went skiing (so his ski day started around 11:30 or so) and Sara, Julia and I finished lunch and went out to explore the town.

For our walk around the village I had Julia in her sneakers (per her own request, she handed them to me, then she put them on herself) and 'wind pants' that are just a sheer wind-breaker type material.  Her legs went swish-swish when she walked, which she figured out right away, and so she was sure to get a lot of swish-swish sounds in for every one to hear.

Sara wanted to be in her snow pants "I always wear my snow pants Mom" so that was fine.  Even for a walk she still likes to climb everything made out of snow.  Other kids walk down the street, Sara climbs down the street, going from snow bank to snow bank - rising and falling like the tides.  She loves it.  

Our walk took us to the big bridge over the river.  We looked down at it.  It was raging, white, and frosty.  Sara asked "how fast is it flowing?" so I said 10 miles per hour.  I figure even if I make up a number at least her is satisfied hearing some sort of quantification.

For our walk the kids were having the best time.  They walked together most of the time.  Sometimes Sara would plunk down into the snow and Julia would plunk down on a door step.  Julia prefers to keep her butt warm, while Sara just likes snow.  

I got the kids a muffin on a stick, a Swiss thing I guess, and they were involved eating that for probably 30 minutes as they walked.  Sara tried to "share" some of Julia's, which Julia tolerated once, but after that Julia let Sara know that she was happy to finish it herself.  

Julia's  hands got cold on the walk.  For some reason she rips off gloves when I put them on, so her hands get red.  I carried her back to the apartment in the Ergo Baby front carrier, and she fell asleep.  Back at the apartment we put her into her crib and she took her afternoon nap.

While Julia napped Sara and I went out to explore the village (Dan was working near Julia).  We took the train around town, we walked, we danced to the music from the outdoor apre ski cafe's.  We decided to look for shiny rocks (Sara is now in love with rocks) and we found her a pink gourd that has sparkles inside for 5 SF.  She was very happy.

Then we made dinner, played, and got Julia to bed.  Julia was not interested in going to bed.  When I said "night night" she walked the other way, got her sneakers, got her boots, got her coat, and went to the door.  She opened the door.  Then she got me my shoes, and got Dan's shoes too.  Then she got Sara her gloves.  She was saying "lets go play outside!" even though it was 7:30 and clearly time for bed!  She took her morning nap on the sled, and her afternoon nap started outside too - so maybe she thinks she is supposed to be outside in the Alpine air to sleep!  Once I got her in her room (the apartment has 3 bedrooms which is nice) she was sleepy by the time I got her in her Pajamas.  Then she was out like a light after a few more minutes.

Time for us all to get some sleep now.  So I'll sign off.

Quote of the day:
(Out for a walk) Mom, when people see a monkey out walking, why do they give the monkey a banana?   


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