Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Monday - Less Jet lag, Explore Town, Ski

Last night was good. We all slept through the night, even Julia, who did wake up 2 times, but was quick to go back to sleep after just a few rocks in our arms.  (That is better than her needing to be awake for 1-2 hours before sleeping again.)  Sara slept with the tiny aid of some cold medicine for kids.  She has a little bit of a stuffy nose and it seemed to make her feel better.

In the morning, Dan took Julia out to get his ski rentals. The operator thought she was cute in her pink snow suit.  When they got back Dan left to go skiing and Sara, Julia, and I went out to play in the snow.

The snow is deep and plentifull.  Every where.  Sara loves it.  Our village is pretty, surronded by the Alps and nice traditional architechture for the buildings here.  Sara knows where all the bakeries are.  Her favorite is a cookie with a smile on it that is mainly a butter cookie with some jam.  She always ingeniously says, "Mama, how about this one for you, and this one for me" so to ensure I don't eat too much of the cookie - but we usually only get one and share.  Julia is usually asleep when we go to the bakery, which is good for her (naps are great) and nice for Sara and I to have some fun bakery cafe time together.  Sara likes to swagger into the bakery, pick out a cookie, pay for it, then find a seat. She thinks that is just great.  I like it too, it is a chance to warm up our pink noses, our chilly feet, and hang out with the locals, who are doing the same thing.

Dan said the skiing was great.  It is not crowded here.  And the snow is puffy and we just got 10 cm last night.  The sun is nice too.

Towards the end of the day Julia took an afternoon nap, Dan telecommuted to work, and Sara and I left to go play. We both wore our ski pants.  We played in *every* drift of snow.  We made slides,  we made snow men, we had snow ball fights, we just had fun.  For 4.95 Swiss Francs we each got a little sled that we can use to sled in snow banks.  She really likes climbing up snow, then she figures out how to get down.  We stayed in one spot for probably a half hour while a local apres ski place was playing outdoor music. Sara and I played to "Sweet Home Alabama" and we grooved and moved in the puffy white snow.

After being out for 2 hours we came back here after a quick stop at the market.  Two markets are close to our apartment so that is nice for brining stuff back here.  The streets are snowy but easy to walk on.

When Sara and I returned to our apartment after playing in the snow Julia was still asleep (great nap!) and we started dinner.  It was a great evening.  Julia woke up and we had pork, ham, cheese melted together, with a green salad, green beans, and pasta.  The girls enjoyed dinner.

After dinner we did some jigsaw puzzles that are here.  We had them in bed around 8PM.

It was a great day, getting more normal after the jet lag and time change (6 hours different).  We are happy with all the snow, nice people, nice apartment, nice village, and fun together.

Quotes of the day:
(walking around village) "Mama, some people like bunnies so much, that when they see one, they say 'Bunny!'"

(hugging Julia) "Mama, I just really love Julia."

(dressed to go outside) "Look Julia, Mama decided to put a turtle neck on me.  This is a turtle neck."


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