Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday - First day in Saas Fee

We arrived yesterday after a day of travel from the US.  

Last "night" was a bit crazy.   We put everyone to bed, then when Julia woke up it was 3:45.  I got up with her.  I got her back to sleep at 5:30.  When she woke up again at 7:00 I told Dan (who slept this whole time) that it was morning and it was his turn to spend quality time with Julia while I spent quality time with my eyes shut.  

He got up, made coffee, and gave Julia breakfast.  It wasn't until later he realized that at 7:00 it wasn't really morning, it was 1AM here in Switzerland!  He thought it was a little dark, and I was to out of it to realize it wasn't morning at that point either.  

After I got Dan up to be with Julia I went back to bed, and slept 'till 7:00 - only this time the 7:00 was 1 in the afternoon!  Sara slept that long also.  Dan and Julia had also gone back to sleep, and had gotten up at 5:30 (so I/Sara got 1.5 hours longer than them)  -  So basically Dan and I both took turns with Julia, both being up for a while and both getting her (and ourselves) back to sleep.

When we did all get up we were all happy.  We felt good.   We made breakfast and put on Winter clothes to head out.  

Sara loves it here.  She climbs on *every* now bank, she walks in *every* patch of snow.  Seriously.  If there is a snow bank she scoots right up it with a huge grin.  Then she either scoots down on her butt or asks for help back down.  Her desire to climb everything means we walk slow - and it is fun.  We just stroll around our cute Alpine Ski Town.

At one point we saw a cute red town "train" that takes people around.  We decided to hop on.  We didn't know where the train went, but it was free, cute, and how far could it go?  It ended up taking us all over town - which was a great tour.  It was open-air (we were not closed in) so it was hop on-hop off and the girls just loved every moment of it.  Sara sat to my left next to the "window" which was just open air, and she looked around with wonder in her eyes.  There are shops, snow every where, people strolling, kids sledding in the streets, bakeries, old mountain huts, and the Alps climbing up to the sky.  Julia sat to my right.  She is very independent.  She didn't want my arm around her, didn't want me to hold on to her coat, so the only way I could protect her from a sudden stop (and projectiling forward) was to put my leg up in front of her.  It worked fine. It was a smooth ride.  Dan sat right behind us with the Bob Stoller folded up.  

Soon we stopped at the tourist information to get a town map and other information.  

Julia fell asleep after that in the stroller.  We walked around the town (Sara walked most of the time, and then hopped in her side of the stroller for some of the time).  We walked over the bridge with the plunging river down below.  We found the indoor swimming area.  We saw the kid slopes.  We hit a bakery (no surprises there).  Sara had some sort of nut cake and Dan had a donut.  Julia slept and I just shared their stuff.  

For our mid-day meal we had pizza.  Sat right by the window on the second story - so a great view of town - I could see the kid's ski area from my seat.  We got two pizzas, one with all sorts of stuff on it (anchovies, mushrooms, herbs, salami) and one with plain.  The girls ate every morsel.  We did too.  I saw other people had a carafe of water on their table so I asked for one.  We were glad we  wouldn't have to pay for water (as is very common).  Then when we got the bill the carafe of "glacier" water was 5 Swiss Francs!  It was just funny.  I guess we'll have to figure out if we can get "free" water (since the water is excellent here) of if the thing everyone does is pay for water (even if it is just in a pitcher sitting on the table).  We don't really mind that much paying for it (since if you have to pay, you have to pay, so you may as well just put up with it) but it would be nice if they gave "tap" water for free.  A coke is 5 SF, so that is out of site.  All this is nothing new.  We just have to figure it out for this particular town and roll with it.

We hit the grocery store which is very close to our apartment.  That is nice to not have to carry groceries far.  We got stuff for salads, some meat, vegetables, and so forth.  Sara loved the cheese department - which is huge here in Switzerland! 

Our weather was lovely. Blue sky, with light snow, and warm for walking around.  We had Julia in her pink snow suit (she just immediatly takes a coat off, so since she has yet to figure out how to get the snow suit off we just put her in that).  We had Sara in her coat, turtle neck, leg warmers, gloves and hat.  

I gotta run.  Time for dinner.  Bye! 

Quotes of the day:
(At bath time) My butt sort of looks like an island!

(On the town train) Mama! Papa!  Look at all the mountains!  (A funny think to say when we are literally surrounded by the Alps!  But she just looks at and comments on everything.)  

(At a pizza shop) I want fish and chips!  (Not quite.)

(At an out door bakery selling pretzels and donuts) I want to go to an indoor bakery.  (Just funny, since we couldn't believe she'd turn down a donut.)  

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