Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sunday - Explore Paris "Marais" neighborhood; Tuileries Garden

Today was our last full day in Paris.  We leave this apartment in Paris to head to Disneyland Paris - first thing in the morning.

I think it was fitting to have our last day in Paris be a Sunday.  A relaxing day, a day to just soak in our surroundings.  After all our weeks of travel - we are masters at traveling with our kids - and we can use that knowledge to have days that keep everyone happy.

We started off by walking to Notre Dame cathedral.  The church bells were in full swing.  And, the flowers alongside the church were shining brilliantly in the morning light.  Gorgeous purples, blues, and later some orange and red.  We strolled looking at all that beauty - and enjoying watching Sara and Julia munch on their baguettes as a second breakfast.

[As a side note, Julia is now saying "night night" when she goes to bed.  And she also says "bye" when she sees a carousel, since I always say "bye" when she goes to ride the carousel with Dan and Sara.  There are quite a few carousels here in Paris - and the girls have given them all a spin!  Julia also is the first person ready to go in the morning.  She'll stand by the door with her shoes on (she puts her own shoes on) and gives us a look over her shoulder as if to say, "are you guys coming?" and today she took the baguette that was sticking out of my backpack (everyone carries bread around) and she tucked it under her arms just like everyone in Paris does.  It was *very* cute and funny!  It also shows that she is perceptive, and that she loves a good baguette!  She will also hand us her sweater if she is ready to go - and today she took Dan's wallet off the table and went to the kitchen to hand him his wallet!  She is very funny.]

 Our goal was to do a walking tour in our guide book of the Marais area of Paris.  We walked across the island that the Notre Dame cathedral is on, then we walked across the other island next to it (IIe St. Louis) and across a bridge to Marais.  I won't recount everything we saw as we walked, but it was small streets (with no cars) and supposedly it is "characteristic of old Paris" -- nice to stroll and go back in time a bit.  There are many grand boulevards here, and we were on little side streets so it was fun.

We ended up having some sort of a hot triangle thing from a artesian bakery for lunch and also a falafel that was super tasty.  We didn't sit at a cafe - we just stood and strolled and ate.  Later we got a big square of pizza for Sara/Julia to share, and also a chocolate eclair (chocolate filling and chocolate on top).  We didn't have any ice cream today so we'll have to double our quota for tomorrow!

As we departed the Marais neighborhood we walked on the same side of the river towards the Louvre area.  Bingo - we were right at the Tuileries Garden.  Never have I seen a more beautiful place.  Oh, the flowers were glowing with color, the sky was blazing blue, the planters were ornamental, the sculptures were artistic and even they looked like they were enjoying the day.  What a lovely place.  I had to stop and just look at it.  I couldn't take in all that beauty and keep walking.  

The Tuileries Garden is loaded with trees, laced with walking paths, and even several cafes.  People were sitting under trees on green chairs, people were sipping coffee at cafes, people were strolling, -- everywhere.  It was a much enjoyed park.  And everything was harmonious - swirled together it was a sight to behold - and a sight to feel - a sight to savor.  

Sara and Julia woke up while we were in the garden.  Right by a play ground.  Sara went to the playground with Dan.  Julia climbed up on my lap and we sat for about 2 seconds.  Then she was off to explore.  That kid doesn't realize she is just a little kid - she was ready to enjoy the garden on her own terms!  That meat walking over to the carousel.  She pointed to it - and looked at me - "Mom, look at that!" she said with her expression.  We sat/stood together and watched the carousel for probably 30 minutes (Sara was still playing).  The cutest thing was how Julia stood there waving at the carousel as it went round and round - she was interacting with the kids who were riding.  I didn't buy any tickets I thought she was just having fun looking.  Then I walked over to re-join with Dan/Sara and we took Sara to the trampoline.  

The trampoline at Tuileries Garden is a kid magnet.  There are 8 rectangular trampolines and it costs 2.50 Euro for 5 minutes.  Sara bought her own ticket (she likes doing that - she just walks right up to a counter, says what she'd like and hands over the money.  She orders for herself at bakeries, icecream places, and also places like the trampoline) and then she got in line.  There were only 4 other kids in line so that was nice.  She got to go on the very next change over.  When the guy opened the gate Sara ran to her chosen trampoline and jumped non-stop for 5 minutes.  She did flips/somersaults, she flew into the air, and she skidded around.  It was great.  And that kid smiled the whole time!  Julia had to watch, you have to be 2 years to try.  (Next time Julia!)  

Sara wanted to try the trampoline again, but I suggested she go ride the carousel with Julia.  We bought 6 rides for 10 Euro (steep price, but it is worth it) and they guy gave us 2 rides free.  Sara was sweet.  She picked rides that she could ride with Julia - things that have more than one seat - including a tea cup type thing that spun around and around!  I rode with them - so after 4 rides I was really ready to stop spinning!  The only ride Sara did with out Julia by her side was an airplane.  Sara was very proud of its colors - and she liked flying high.  I put Julia on a nearby horse.  European carousels have so much more than horses - there was even a pirate ship - that we rode in too!  

After all those rides we got the kids back in the stroller (they were tired!) and kept walking.  Those carousel rides were the first time I sat down all day. Taking time to do that kind of thing is what we've learned makes for a successful day.  They get to be kids - and have so much fun - and we get to watch them having fun - so it is really a win-win.  ;) 

Time ticked by and soon it was 3:30.  We strolled along the river Seine - right by the river - on the paths down there - along with a zillion other people.  They were all having a lovely Sunday afternoon.  Some people were at river front cafes, some people were golfing (!), some people were with their kids on scooters, some people were rollerblading, just everyone was having fun - all in harmony with one-another.  We *loved* it - just experiencing being in Paris on a sunny Sunday was great.  It was warm and sunny, with only the barest touch of a breeze.  As we strolled we looked around at everything: the people, the river, the buildings, and the monuments.  So much to see!  There was music coming from different directions and the girls loved it all too.  

By 4:00 we were at the Eiffel tower were we enjoyed it one last bit and got a family photo.  Were we nuts to take young kids to Paris?  Maybe - but at least we have photo proof of it now.

On our walk back here (we walked 11+ miles today) we talked about our time in Paris - and listened to the girls giggling in the stroller.  There is still nothing Sara likes more than making Julia laugh, and that warms my heart.   

It is time to end this so I can get to sleep.  It is now 8:54 - and we are still sort of packing up.  We have laundry drying (there is a washer here but no dryer) so we have our clothes hanging out the window on the iron scroll work that seems to border every window in Paris.  

It was a good visit to Paris.  Tomorrow is a big travel day - out to Disneyland Paris - with all our luggage.  Wish us luck.

Quote of the day:
Sara: "Can I do the trampoline again?  Please?"
Me:  "How about you go ride the carousel with Julia instead?"
Sara: "Okay!  Come on Julia, let's go!"
[Then Julia ran after Sara through the garden to get to the carousel!]

End of Post.

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