Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday - Notre Dame Cathedral, Historic Paris Walk, Eiffel Tower at night

To start, I'll mention that my pedometer says 28,016 steps (12.24 miles).  It was a full day.  ;)

We were up around 6:30 and the four of us stepped out into Paris after breakfast.  Notre Dame was our goal.  It didn't take long to get there - and the walk was a pleasure, through the St. Germain area with the people scurrying around going to work, shops, and cafes.  We blended in, sort of.  I suppose we stood out - but not really.  Anything goes here in Paris, and we were just part of the city's landscape as we walked swiftly to the "IIe de la Cite" island were Notre-Dame is.  It is celebrating its 850 year anniversary, so there was a huge platform in front of it.  

Upon seeing the Notre Dame cathedral, and the huge platform, Sara said, "lets have a picnic" -- so we did.  We found a bakery nearby, got several kinds of breads and such, then we walked back to dine in front of Notre Dame.  

It was an electric scene. Everyone was excited - how could you not be excited - we were just feet away from Notre Dame!  We ate, relaxed, took in the scene, and let Julia stare at pigeons - she just loves pigeons!  If there are any pigeons around forget about getting any attention from Julia - she just focus on them!

After our bakery picnic stop in front of Notra Dame we went inside.  It is free to enter.  There was a line, but it moved quickly. There was no security, no bag check, just people walking into the church.  

It is lovely inside.  I remember the Rose Window from the last time we were there, and this time I noticed all the other stained glass too - especially how there are three distinct levels of stained glass - because it is so high.  It took 200 years to build!  Sara loved the Rose Window.  She stared at it to take it all in.  She said, "it has lots of purple in it" and it was fun to kneel down to her level to experience looking at the stained glass with her eye to eye.  That way we could whisper to each other too - since it is complete silence inside of the cathedral.  

Speaking of complete silence, Dan carried Julia inside the cathedral.  They were quite the cute pair.  Both of them looking around together with her comfortable in his arms.  I had the empty double stroller with me - so people who saw me pushing it probably wondered where the kids were.  Sara loved exploring around the church.  It wasn't crowded, so she could look at the stained glass as she pleased.  

"Mama, I don't see any cracks," she said as we looked around Notre Dame. I asked her why she was looking for cracks and she said, "because this place is old."  So to her I guess old buildings have cracks.  

Sara wanted to buy "the whole Rose Window" at the gift shop.  She setlled for a 2Euro gold coin commemorating the 850 year anniversary of the church.  She got to obtain the coin herself, putting in a 2 Euro coin and getting out a large golden coin with a picture of the church on it.  Lucky for me it has the rose window pictured on it, so I showed her that she did indeed get to take home "the whole Rose Window."

After that we enjoyed the gardens around the church.  We even found a play area right along side of it!  The girls played, laughing, and giggling, all right in the shadow of Notre Dame.  I loved it.

After that we looked for lunch.  Notre Dame is on an island in the Seine River, and right next to that island is another island "IIe St. Louis"  We crossed over to the other island and amazingly found the absolute perfect lunch cafe.  It was the St. Regis and we had a table at the window - but the window was removed because it such a nice day outside.  From our window seat we could see Notre Dame!  Amazing!  That's not all.  The St. Regis is a bustling Parisian cafe, with excellent service, and our server gave Sara and Julia each a pack of colored pencils and a coloring book!  Oh, glory day!  The girls loved it - and they drew and colored (both of them can be busy with that type of thing for a good half an hour) while Dan and I enjoyed being in Paris with our happy kids.  It was utterly wonderful.  

I had the lunch of the day which was veal with fresh pasta and also mushrooms.  The sauce was amazing, and the veal was tender.  I gave most of hte pasta to Julia, who was to my right in our travel high chair that we carry around.  Sara had an open face toasted ham, cheese, bread thing, and Dan had an omlette type thing.  Everything added up to a wonderful experience, the nice server, the view, the coloring pencils for Sara/Julia, and the tasty food.  I was stuffed afterwards.  And, happy.

We strolled a bit.  We found the famous ice cream and each had our own cone. I can't remember the last time I had my own ice cream cone.  Probably 10 years ago?  (At least 4.5 years ago)  

Then we decided to follow the walking tour in our book that lead us around the historic streets of Paris.  It is really a group of distinct areas, each with their own personality.  (Paris is way more than the Eiffel tour and Notre Dame, it really is fun to walk around Paris - and see all the people going about their lives.)  I won't describe the walking tour - but Dan and I savored it since Sara slept in the stroller and Julia just looked around.  It was a nice leisurely walk.  

We ended up down by Pont Neuf on the River Seine.  We stood there for a while just breathing.  Enjoying being in Paris.  No books, no cameras, just looking at the sky, the river, the boats, the buildings, and the people.  It made for a fun time.

Then we walked back to the apartment.  Walking around is a sight in itself - it isn't about just going from point A to point B.  Near the end of the walk back here we walked through a park and Sara spotted a great play ground in the park.  She asked "can I play please" (the please was in French) so we let her play.  

Sara and Julia played, played, played, with the energy of a rocket blaster for 30-40 minutes.  Part of the time they played with a French boy - who had a soccer ball.  That poor kid never got to kick it with Sara and Julia around - but I think he loved every minute of it.  

Dan had already left to telecommute from the apartment so I was at the park with the girls.  It was a sunny, warm, beautiful day.  I decided to swing by the Bon Marche for some dinner food (chicken, beef, beans, tomatoes - for 20 Euro!) and then I noticed Julia was sleeping.  ZZZzzzzz.  So I took Sara to the garden at the Rodin museum - and it was *gorgeous*!  Huge roses, huge sculpted trees, and great paths to the art - and a cafe.  And it was free!  Wow!  

We saw "the Thinker" out in the garden, and we also toured his other works, then we had to hit the cafe.  Sara got a muffin, and I had an Orangina.  It was great fun to be at a garden cafe with our Sara (we had sleeping Julia next to us).  We were two happy ladies, just bubbling with the thrill of being in such a pretty place - just enjoying life.  

Soon Julia woke up and we wandered around the garden and then we decided to head back to the apartment.

I cooked dinner - they gobbled it up, then Julia went to bed.

After bathtime Sara said she wanted to see the Eiffel Tower sparkle.  So at 7:30 PM, right at as it was beginning to get a little bit dar, we set out into the Paris evening - all by ourselves.  (Julia was in bed and Dan was telecommuting).

Sara skipped, leaped, and danced to the Eiffel Tower.  It took us about 15 minutes to get there.  When we got there I looked up at the Eiffel Tower and in a moment of spontaneity I put my arms in the air and said, "We're in Paris!"  - and Sara smiled up at me with twinkly eyes.  Then we danced together all the way to the park that leads up to the Tower.  

There were a lot of people there.  Everyone was sitting on the lawn or even laying down on a blanket.  It was a happening scene.  Sara lit the whole place up - she began dancing in the twilight and soon she had a fan club - there was someone playing guitar and so she danced to the music. She asked me to dance too, so I let go of my adult inhibitions and danced with our daughter in the moonlight -- all while the Eiffel tower looked on.

The tower was lit - and I had read that it sparkeled at the top of the hour.  We saw it the last time we were here in Paris years ago, but this time I got to share it with Sara!  We had only a few minutes of anticipation (just enough time to give my Dad a top of the mountain call) and then Poof!  If started to sparkle!  It was beautiful.  Sara was speechless, and that is saying something.

Sara wanted to stay by the Eiffel Tower and dance when it was over (it sparkles for 5 mintues) but it started to sprinkle so we dodged the raindrops and skipped, walked, and ran back here.  We weren't in any hurry, but we were happy and excited so we moved quickly.  It was nighttime in Paris - the city of lights!  Oh la la!  We had fun.

So it was a full day.  A great day.  Thanks Paris for giving us such fun days with our girls.  

Quotes of the day:
Scenario: At dinner
Sara: "Julia, I'm going to tell you something.  Drink all your milk.  You can just pee into your diaper."
Scenario: At dinner
Sara: "Tomorrow is clean up day."
Me: "What should we clean up?"
Sara: "Everything, the whole Paris."
Scenario: Walking to the Eiffel tower at night with Sara
Sara: "The next time we go to Paris, we should bring bicycles.  And a tricycle for Julia."

End of Post

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