Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Tuesday - first full (non-travel) day

Tuesday - up at noon.

We all felt great when we woke up naturally.  Around noon.  We opened the windows to see the cute street below, with the strolling people, and shops (we are in an apartment in the center of town - in the area where they don't allow cars, so right out our windows we can look down at people in cafes and in shops).   

We went out and found lunch.  A great place. We sat outside.  They had no high chair for Julia so I used our portable one I had in my backpack.  They gave Julia and Sara kid silver wear (with penguins on it), which they loved.  Actually that silver wear kept Julia busy playing for about 10 minutes!  

Our appetizer was fantastic fresh tomato and mozzarella salad with olive oil and salt drenched with herbs on the side.   It was wonderful.  Then we had 2 house hamburgers (which had gherkin picks, cheese, etc on it) and Sara ate one too.  There was also gravy of some sort and onions on our burgers.  It may sound American - but it was very French!  The girls ate great and were happy as we ate.  I got to sit back and relax and enjoy the street scene while we ate.  Sara was given a red drink (similar to cool-aid) that she was happy with.  We forgot how to ask for free tap water, so we got a bottle of water - but now we remember to just ask for a carafe of water and they bring you one.  With out asking just that way, they will bring a bottle of water that you pay for.  That is okay I suppose, but at 4.50 euro for water we'd rather spend it on something else!  The servers at the restaurant were very nice and gave Sara some strawberry icecream for dessert.  It made her day (or maybe her year).

Back to the apartment and then we went for a long walk around "town."  We are content and happy.  We followed the walking tour from the Tourist Information desk, which had 15 sites, and our apartment was #3 on the walking tour, since we are in a "mansion" that they find notable enough to be on the walking tour.  Other people stop here just to look at it!  (Our apartment is a modern slice of the mansion, that we are renting from the owner.)

On the walk we went everywhere.  We popped into a cathedral, saw some men playing boules, climbed up to a view spot, saw an ancient well, strolled leafy lanes, wandered down side streets-- in other words -- we just enjoyed being in Uzes - a cute town in Provence, France.

We ate dinner outside on our veranda.  It is a lovely area with a tile floor, lemon trees, and other plants. A lot of plants.  Dinner was pleasant and then we put the girls to bed. 

It is 8:10 PM and very light out - I'm outside with Dan on the veranda.  The weather was gorgeous today.  

Tomorrow is "market" day, a big deal around here.  Can't wait. 

End of this post.

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