Saturday, August 31, 2013

Saturday - big market day in Uzes

Saturday - Market in Uzes and Ride to a neighboring Town 

Today, it only took us 15 minutes from wake up to out the door.  While Wednesday's market is "small" today's market (Saturday) is "big."  We didn't want to waste a moment.  Sara ate three bowls of oatmeal for breakfast.  Julia loves cantaloupe melon, and will probably turn orange any day now.

We thought Wednesday's was great, so when we looked out our apartment windows and saw today's we nearly sprang out of here to get outside to walk around it.  It was amazing.  The market spilled out of the main square and down all the side streets.  Crinkly-white linen clothes blew in the breeze, both on racks for people to buy, and on people's backs as they strutted their stuff looking at all the market's offerings.  99% of the women wear skirts or dresses here.  They all look nice.  Simple sun dresses, that look super comfy and fit right in with the vibe of sunny Provence.  

The market had everything.  Clothes, art supplies, olives, pottery, linens, you name it.  Nothing tacky - just good stuff.  We didn't buy anything other than some dried strawberries that I couldn't resist and Sara ate in 3 seconds flat.  (Julia liked them too, when she got her first taste she reached out her hand for more.)  Sara wanted to buy a neat art set that made rainbows out of watercolor paints.  It was 25 Euro and we decided that was a bit much, but we are here next Saturday too, so maybe we'll pick it up for her for Christmas.

Julia is such a good sport.  Dan carries her up in the Kelty backpack and she doesn't make a peep all day, she just looks around non-stop.  She shows genuine interest in looking at things, and will crane her head if something catches her eye.  

We came back here for lunch.  Dan made lunch while Sara, Julia and I played.  Then we went right back out again.  The market closed down around 2:00, we could have toured it all day - but they seem to be a fleeting thing. The town goes back to normal once all the market vendors pack up and leave.

In the afternoon we went to a neighboring town as a joy ride in the car.  Julia slept.  My favorite part about it was seeing fields of sun flowers zoom past our windows.  They were smaller - like the size of two hands cupped together, and seemed to be yellow, but they also had their heads bowed down (too heavy?) so it was hard to tell.  It didn't matter - they were still majestic.  Driving around here is neat since there is nothing built up. No gas stations, nothing man made at all.  Just things that man has done with the land, like plant rows of trees on the sides of the roads and vineyards that stretch up and over hills.  It is easy to forget what year it is - or even what decade.  There is a timeless look to this land that makes you melt with relaxation as you look around.  

After our short trip/drive we came back to the apartment.  Dan made salmon for dinner, and some potatoes, with a green salad.  Then we did an evening walk.  For most of the walk the girls were in the Bob-Stroller, which is nice since they can relax while Dan and I stroll and talk.  But we let them out to tour a cathedral (sometimes when something interests them they practically spring out of the stroller so we have no choice but to let them out!) with some nice stained glass windows (we were the only ones inside so it felt silent and special), and Julia marched right up the steps to the altar and tugged on the iron work railing.  [That was a terribly constructed sentence, but this is a journal so it is okay.] 

When we got to the main square Place aux Herbes, Sara got out to dance, and danced for about 30 minutes.  She names her dances.  She did the France dance, for about 10 minutes.  It had a lot of twirls.  Julia spent the dance time trying to buckle a strap on the stroller, she loves using her hands and figuring things out.  She was undeterred by it, and kept and it 'till she got it.

The day was another warm sunny one.  Ideal.  It is easy to see why the herbs de provence are popular, they are every where and smell so nice.  Sara bought some strawberry soap in the market, and was excited to use it when she took her shower bath tonight.  She felt very important buying something from a market vendor.  When he handed her the white bag with her prized soap in it she took it and walked away with a spring in her step.  The bag did a happy swing from side to side as our Sara held it carefully in her tightly closed hand.  

Julia managed to only have 1 outfit today.  Other days she has gotten so much France on her that we've changed her clothes two or three times.  We like that- it shows she is active and busy exploring.  She gets a tremendous kick out of waltzing around the apartment, especially going from indoors to outdoors - through the big doors that lead to the veranda.  I get a kick out of watching her.

Sara is now interested in language.  She asked me today how to say please in Spanish.  

Quote of the day:
"This was the best day of my life.  I had so much fun.  Tomorrow will be another good day."   --- Sara, while eating her bedtime snack of yogurt.  

End of post.

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